Bought a new monitor and external hard drive recently…..and some blu-rays
Thor & X-Men First Class Blu Rays are being delivered as we speak.
Plan to get Bridesmaids despite having not seen it yet. Enough people have said it’s good so I’ll take their word for it. Z has seen it and she vouches for it.
Got Star Fox 64 3DS the other day….beat it quite easily. It wasn’t the challenge that I remember it was, in high school. But as I read reviews, that game isn’t about survival, it’s about dominating and how much you dominate.
Getting Kirby Mass Attack tomorrow…Z wants to get the “New” Super Mario Bros. for the DS….so we’ll be getting 2 DS games tomorrow….I expect to beat, and get 100% on both. I realize now how much of a Nintendo gamer I am. I was raised that way….got into RPGs after….and never really got into FPS games, except for Counter Strike. I’m just…I’m both really good, and really enjoy Nintendo type games.
Lion King
I ordered The Lion King Diamond Edition Blu Ray from Disney on August 7 for $25…about a month and a half ago. I got 200 Disney Bonus Points with it.
AFTER I order it, they come out with The Lion King Diamond Edition Blu-ray with FREE Lithograph Offer for $25. ALSO from Disney. ARGGH !@$&%$*@#$*
I’d much rather take the Lithograph than the 200 Disney Points. It would go with my Beauty and the Beast Lithography….but I can’t cancel my Aug 7 order. =(

And now, after going to watch The Lion King in 3D tonight…they have another pre-order…get $5 off.
3 different Lion King blu ray deals! >:( So angry. I think the Lithograph is the best one tho…
So…yeah, I definitely wasn’t planning to watch Lion King in 3D. Especially since I pre-ordered the blu ray. Technically, I was paying more to watch it once in the theatres, than to own in forever on blu-ray. It seemed pointless. In the end, I was trying to take my sister-in-law to watch the movie without her troublesome kids…but she bailed on the plan. Z and I still decided to go see it. Although it was costly, I was glad we did. There’s definitely a completely different experience watching the movie in the theatre, compared to watching something at home. It just doesn’t compare. When you’re in the theatre, there’s this…focus, that you can’t get elsewhere. Z and I have instated “Movie night”. Once every 2 weeks….alternating choices. I just hope Z doesn’t pick chick flicks for me >_< On that note, I saw Friends with Benefits the other day. It was better than I thought....funny but still kinda cheesy at certain parts. Disney Movies
I thought I had more than a few Disney movies growing up. I had a select era that began with Beauty and the Beast and ended with The Lion King…(technically with Aladdin and the King of Thieves, but that was mostly purchased out of “trilogy completion” sake – though it turned out to be a really great movie). Anyways, I discovered earlier this year that my Disney Movie collection was completely dwarfed by Z’s.

- My Movies (1st column)
- Beauty and the Beast – Diamond Edition
- Beauty and the Beast
- Aladdin
- Aladdin – The Return of Jafar
- Aladdin and the King of Thieves
- Lion King
- The Land Before Time II
- The Land Before Time III
- Pokemon the First Movie
- Z’s Movies (2nd and 3rd column)
- Casper
- Aladdin
- Aladdin – The Return of Jafar
- Mulan
- Cinderella
- The Rescuers Down Under
- The Little Mermaid
- Robin Hood
- The Great Mouse Detective
- Dumbo
- Little Women
- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
- Mary Poppins
- Alice Through the Looking Glass
- The Jungle Book
- Dragonheart
- The Fox and the Hound
- The Secret Garden
- Peter Pan
- 101 Dalmatians
- The Rescuers
- The Big Green
- D3 – The Might Ducks
- Alice in Wonderland
- Pinocchio
- Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas
- Bambi
- Lady and the Tramp
I guess I can throw this on the accomplishments list, but we’ve been watching Disney movies like crazy lately, on VHS. There are a ton of these I’ve never seen or don’t remember but we went through the following in the last few weeks.
- Cinderella
- The Rescuers Down Under
- The Little Mermaid
- Robin Hood
- The Great Mouse Detective
- Dumbo
- The Fox and the Hound
- Peter Pan
- 101 Dalmatians
- The Rescuers
I played a bit of Ping Pong with my parents today….Z and I are going to look for places we can play Squash. I’m really excited, I can’t wait :D U.S. Open got me so fired up to play some racket sports.
Anyways…3:15….have work tomorrow…will proof-read tomorrow…maybe >_< I sleep now, g’nite everyone :D