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Archive for the ‘Daily Randomness’ Category

The Flash – Extended Trailer

Friday, May 16th, 2014 at 10:03 am




Wednesday, April 16th, 2014 at 8:12 pm

I don’t think I’ve been in the alone in the condo for more than a couple days, in the last 3-4 years. It used to happen often, when Z was in school and I was working. Now, she’s left me….for seven days.

How shall I deal with the incredibly quiet home? Where each individual silent thought is so loud, it may as well be someone screaming at me? *quickly going crazy*
By blogging at 8pm (when was the last time that happened?), watching Sherlock (apparently), cleaning the condo and playing with my dwarf hamsters. That’s just today, who knows what tomorrow will bring.


Today, for dinner, I had some dirt and dust bunnies from underneath the stove as I’ve forgotten how to live and immediately turned into a savage.

me —^


Enough of this DAILY RANDOMNESS. Off to rewatch Sherlock, the best show ever.


Sunday, April 6th, 2014 at 1:07 am

Friend and I talking about something that lead to ‘it’s a rhetorical question’

Me: What’s a rhetorical question?

Friend: It’s when you ask a question that you know the answer to.

Me: So that last question was a rhetorical question?

Friend: …


….some paradoxal stuff for you as I did know what a rhetorical question was…it all played out quite nicely.

That is all.

Being a nerd/geek is tough…

Monday, March 31st, 2014 at 4:34 pm

I’m starting to really like Wil Wheaton…I didn’t realize how intelligent, compassionate, and sincere Wil Wheaton was until I watched these videos.

I think he so eloquently answers these questions in a helpful way, but also in a way that he truly understands and overcame these similar hurdles…

How to deal with being called a nerd

Why it’s awesome to be a nerd

Even to my co-workers, even among (some of) my friends, even among my family – I can still be ridiculed for being a nerd or a geek. It’s frustrating – I don’t want to, nor should I, have to explain myself or the reason why I like things, or explain the nerd or geek culture – but sometimes I feel obligated to. Yes, it’s not the norm…does it make it wrong? No.

This ain’t Google (where, by watching The Intership, I realize I’d fit right in there) but I’m often surrounded by those who don’t understand nerds and geeks – but not only do they not understand, they ridicule or pass judgement. It’s frustrating fucking annoying as fuck.

I’ll say – being a nerd/geek is easier than it used to be. And I imagine it’ll get easier – gamers, nerds, geeks, hipsters even….they’re all building their own communities as it’s more normal than ever to be different.

Anyways…just posted those YouTube videos as I thought they were touching and useful, especially the first one.

Yokai! Aegis!

Wednesday, March 26th, 2014 at 11:59 pm

Aegis – the name I use for most of my video game avatars – Zelda, Pokemon, Initial D…
It’s been over 15+ years since my inspiration for this avatar, Gate Keepers!

Gate Keepers Intro

Gate Keepers Outro

Gate Keepers 21 Intro 2

I happened to be watching Gate Keepers again right now – I can’t remember the last time I rewatched this series but it’s probably been at least 7-8 years. It’s pretty fun – the reasons why I liked it before are still there. It’s anime in its purest form. Over the top fun, action, humour, romance (in a playful, not sappy way). Interesting characters, great animation. It doesn’t go too deep or too dark (tho GK21 is somewhat dark…). Anyways, I watched 6 episodes today…I think I’ll be done by tomorrow ;)


Also, I finished Pokemon X already. BLEW THREW IT, avoiding any battle I could. I transferred 6 starter pokemon to my other 3DS game and power leveled them to 30ish right away to breeze by the start. Then, I played with these characters until they were in the 50s. At that point, I had enough badges to bring my original 80s/90s/100 over from my first game. And I continued to speed thru the game. I caught Xerneas in 1 try. Yveltal took at least 3-4 resets with multiple pokeball tries. I guess I got really lucky.

My plan is to get the legendary bird, and a second mewtwo and zygarde. With my extra mewtwo and zygarde, I’m gonna try to trade for other legendaries via GTS. Anyways…that’s the plan at least.

I kinda wanna play Mario Galaxy too…we’ll see :)