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Warren Shea


Wednesday, April 16th, 2014 at 8:12 pm

I don’t think I’ve been in the alone in the condo for more than a couple days, in the last 3-4 years. It used to happen often, when Z was in school and I was working. Now, she’s left me….for seven days.

How shall I deal with the incredibly quiet home? Where each individual silent thought is so loud, it may as well be someone screaming at me? *quickly going crazy*
By blogging at 8pm (when was the last time that happened?), watching Sherlock (apparently), cleaning the condo and playing with my dwarf hamsters. That’s just today, who knows what tomorrow will bring.


Today, for dinner, I had some dirt and dust bunnies from underneath the stove as I’ve forgotten how to live and immediately turned into a savage.

me —^


Enough of this DAILY RANDOMNESS. Off to rewatch Sherlock, the best show ever.

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