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Archive for April, 2010

“A person who does not like herself should not want be friends with a person like herself”

Friday, April 16th, 2010 at 10:10 pm

– Ukiya Ayane (Gate Keepers 21)

It’s strange, I’ve been rewatching a lot of shows/animes…and seeing the same thing but getting something completely different out of it because of how I’ve changed. I always liked the main character of Gate Keepers 21…she’s like me in a lot of ways. Below is her wiki:

An intelligent student, Ayane is ranked third-highest of her entire class at Tategami High School. Ayane’s classmates consider her to be a geek and more than a little strange, not only because she is seldom seen without her computer, but also because of her introverted attitude and near-hostility to social situations.

She is bitter about almost everything, as if she does not care about her surroundings, which is why she has few to no friends at all. Her past is revealed bit-by-bit in each episode, including her reason for avoiding any of the connections to her father. She and her mother were left to fend for themselves when her father, Shun Ukiya, dies battling Invaders. Because of this abandonment she resents using UP-15 and her inherited Gate of Wind. The only thing she treasures is a tiny bell, one of the few happy memories she has from her childhood, which she keeps on the lid of her laptop computer.

Gate Keepers 21, when you get past the gates and super powers and invaders, is about this one girl who hates everything (the main villain) and finds someone who feels the same way as her (the main protagonist, Ukiya Ayane).

In the end, Ukiya Ayane tells the villain “A person who does not like herself should not be friends with a person like herself”.

Anyways, Gate Keepers and Gate Keepers 21 were two of my first animes! Here’s the GK21 Intro, it’s one of my favorite intros ever…it’s got the pure raw innocent fun of the original GK intro but throws in spinning a cell phone in the palm of your hand…which I practiced doing…

And while I’m at it, here’s the original Gate Keepers Ending. I used to love this song…

Counting & cashing in my change

Friday, April 16th, 2010 at 1:09 am

Rolled all my change ($) at work + change jar from home today…
Co-worker helped me sort it…she said she actually enjoyed sorting change O_O – !? I wish I had the change sorter I built out of cardboard in high school. It actually worked…

My change, after being rolled

(40 x $2) + (31 x $1) + (240 x $.025) + (250 x $0.10) + (120 x 0.05) + (450 x 0.01) = $206.50

My co-workers and I also guessed the monetary value before we counted…with Price is Right rules (winner must be closest to the price without going over).

everyone was pretty far off…our designer co-op won the $5 with the winning guess of $115.43

Went downstairs to cash the change in…got the attractive spasian teller, of course.
I always get lucky with that stuff…but given the nature of the task, I was pretty embarrassed >_< Sigh…

Wind: The most powerful element…

Thursday, April 15th, 2010 at 12:42 pm

Just something I noticed while re-watching some Gate Keepers 21…

The main & strongest characters always have the power of wind. Can you think of any instances where there are more main characters with another element type power? I can’t…I have 4 below…

Naruto from Naruto & Naruto Shippuuden (Hurricane Chronicles)
Character type: Main character
Power: Wind Element Chakra
Ability: Futon Rasengan – Futon is the wind (elemental) and the Rasengan is spatial recomposition.

Ukiya Shun from Gate Keepers
Character type: Main character
Power: Gate of Wind, 1 of the invincible offensive gates
Ability: Shinku-missile (Vaccuum Missles)

Ukiya Ayane/Isuzu Ayane from Gate Keepers 21
Character type: Main character
Power: Gate of Wind, 1 of the invincible offensive gates
Ability: Shinku-missile (Vaccuum Missles)

Rumina Asagi from Tokyo Underground
Character type: Main character
Power: Wind
Ability: …I don’t remember, some wind ability :)

Even I’m the main character of my life and I have the power of wind. It comes out my ass. It’s toxic though, knocking enemies as well as civilians to the ground. We’re all the main characters of our lives and we all have the power of wind…and we don’t have the power of fire, earth, or lightning. So technically, we’re all JUST LIKE NARUTO.
Suddenly, I feel more awesome. But relatively, we’re all equal. Damn, those 1.4 seconds of superiority went by fast.

Addictions: Old & New

Thursday, April 15th, 2010 at 12:23 am

Old Addictions
I have an addictive personality. Obviously. I can only recall a couple of things I’ve been addicted to recently though I’m sure there are tons if I think a little harder…which I don’t feel like doing.

1. FarmVille – I started playing FarmVille despite telling my co-workers that I shouldn’t. I resisted longer than everyone but eventually caved. And then I went crazy with it. I did the math on the crops with an excel sheet…found out the best exp. per dollar per time per space. I caught up and surpassed everyone I knew. Really fast. That was my goal. And then I quit. At least I went out with some AWESOMENESS:

2. World of Warcraft – I played this for years but recently quit. I won’t go into the reason why I quit. While I had a goal (10 80s, one for each class) that I reached a couple of months before quitting, I still had other goals that will remain unfinished forever. I’d like to say quitting was difficult because it was an addiction…but it was surprisingly easy. One day…it just didn’t matter to me at all anymore.

New Addictions
With these two old addictions out of my life…I’ve started a few new addictions. Slightly more productive than the last 2.

1. Twitter
2. Blogging/
3. Google Analytics

RE: 1 & 2 – The first 2 are obvious…given the number of tweets I post, as well as the number of blog posts.

RE: 3 – With my new site, I’ve recently began to love looking at Google Analytics. It’s quite interesting to see what Browser/OS is being used to view my site, how many hits I’m getting, what resolution people are using, where the clicks are coming from (with map overlay). I can’t tell where specific clicks come from, Google blocks that level of detail…it only says what city they’re from…so my Toronto # is huge…and I have some readers in Waterloo, Montreal (?) and London (?). I have no idea who these people are -_-; Kinda creepy. Post a comment so I know!

Phasing out Addictions & Distractions
1. Gmail – I have Gmail open all day. I check it hundreds of times a day. I don’t think it’s healthy. I’m going to try to limit my Gmail use to a couple of times a day…
2. MSN – not sure what I want to do with this…I don’t really like getting messages when I’m working on my site, which I’ve been doing a lot lately. I like being in the zone, being left alone, just me + music/show + + PS + DW. I might start going off MSN when I start working…just finding it slightly annoying these last few weeks. Even when people message me, my replies are pretty cold anyways…like I don’t have time for them. And I don’t. It might be better socially if I’m just not there so I don’t reply with rudeness.

Side Note of Creepy
Tried logging in to Facebook and it seems someone’s been trying to get into my account…someone from the US (Saint Paul, Minnesota). Never had this happen before…I’d assume it’s because I’m a much stronger online presence now? Maybe my email’s “out there”. Or maybe it’s just coincidence…Anyways, I’m on to you !

New Self-imposed Blogging Rule

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010 at 6:51 pm

No posting blog posts til the day after I write it.

I think that last post was TMI. I shouldn’t talk about my OCD……Agree/Disagree?
I hope no one read it…but I doubt that.

And if I discard my last post about not blogging until Friday, does that self-imposed rule still exist?

…I guess not.