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Warren Shea

Not enough hours in the day…

Sunday, July 18th, 2010 at 11:52 pm

I know I’ve been slacking on the blog lately…
I haven’t studied for about a week either.

Everyday, I come home, relax and eat….try to stay up til 8pm but fail…and nap until 11ish…and then just kinda…waste the next few hours. That’s been my routine all week…
Well, I have been doing something that takes a couple hour of my time…but that’s a secret ;)

I don’t know if it’s the heat or what…I haven’t walked to work in the last 2 weeks because of the heat wave…I think that’s throwing me off. usually the walk wakes me up so maybe that’s why i don’t stay awake after i get home…

I’ve got quite a few toys lately…my Rogue and Scarlet Witch came in, my 25th anniversary Ninja Turtle collection is almost complete (missing Slash and a Foot Soldier). I also got the turtle van! I had a wedding this weekend and a toy convention today. Going to watch Inception tomorrow…and Tuesday, going to buy hamster food and stuff…

Tomorrow, I’m also going to buy some wires and a small motor. I bought the Ninja Turtles Pizza Thrower toy today for $40…but it doesn’t work. I took it apart…it’s got a very simple mechanism…I can’t figure out why it’s not working but with some troubleshooting and re-wiring, I’ll get it working in no time. I just need the materials…

Anyways, I’m working on posting some more galleries in the near future, I’ve been slacking on that. I’ll try to blog but…I don’t quite know what to write about, I’ve hit a long, dry spell. I kinda of know why…it’s because…well, I sort of like drama in my life. My life is pretty drama free and I look for things to bother me and make me think. The last few weeks tho…I’ve had my own big, unwanted drama but also drama that kind of takes all my focus of drama. I can’t fit/have no time for other drama in my life, these problems are enough to deal with. Anyways…that being said…I’m not sure when I’ll be able to settle this problem and focus on the drama that I can blog about, the rants of the little things that annoy me, etc etc. I’ve stopped watching TV shows. Instead of catching up on Avatar or something, I’m rewatching Seinfeld when I get home. Maybe that’s why I’m falling asleep. And instead of listening to the radio, I’m listening to the Clannad intro…over and over…all week….all day at work. I’m not sick of the song yet…I still totally love it. My whole routine is so off!!

/dazed and confused

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