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Warren Shea

How Chandler escaped.

Tuesday, August 31st, 2010 at 11:25 pm

This is my cage. An inescapable prison. Few have dared try…and…well…they actually succeeded pretty easily… :S

Do you see the second row, how it’s slightly larger than the rest? It actually measures a 1.3cm in height while the other rows measure 1.1cm…

and in that 0.2cm of extra space, my hamster Chandler escaped. In this picture, I placed a small wheel up to the cage with Chandler inside. While escape looked seemingly impossible, a few minutes of waiting and Chandler actually fits her tiny head between the 1.3cm of space….and escapes! I really have no idea how to keep her from escaping…except making her a little fatter on purpose but I feel that borderlines animal abuse. Sneaky hammy!


Let me explain why there are 4 wheels. Originally I had 2, a big purple one and a small red one. I wanted to buy another large wheel…and when I was at the store, I wanted a different color than the original purple wheel. So I got a red wheel, not really remembering the small red wheel. When I put the 3 wheels together, it was large red, small red, large purple. My OCD kicked in and I couldn’t stand the 2 reds beside each other…so I bought a small green wheel.

OCD. It isn’t pretty. And sometimes ridiculous…or maybe that’s just me.

UPDATED – SEPT 2, 2010 (90210!)

3 Responses to “How Chandler escaped.”

  1. Karol says:

    Why don’t you put like string, or pipecleaner or something on that second row. Like thread it through so the hamsters can’t escape?

  2. warrenshea says:

    ….so much work….too lazy :/

  3. Zena says:

    string is a good idea!

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