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Warren Shea

So busy :/

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010 at 1:15 am

No time to blog! Working lots of extra hours (my ASP.NET tool finished almost a week ago btw!), working on my side project site almost every night for a few hours….reading tons of Death Note lately (it took a week to slowly go through 3 volumes, and then it took 2 days to blow through the other 9….). The later volumes have a lot more to read too! Still going through Volume 13, then I’ll post my review.

Then maybe I’ll start reading those Dark Angel books or other books, I dunno. Maybe some coding books….

I have a big problem! I don’t know how to read for extended periods of time in a “good” position. I’m always shifting around, switching positions. My favorite would be stomach down, on my bed…pillow holding the book slight up or hold my elbows up….But even that gets tiring after a while.

Basically, when I read Scott Pilgrim and as I read Death Note for prolonged periods of time (I’m talking 3-5 hours a day), my back is always in a lotta pain by the end of the night.

Yes, I’m old, what of it?

I guess the best way to read would be sitting in a chair, like I’m reading a textbook…but then I’d crease the spine! :S And also, the bed is so much softer than any chair! I just wanna crawl into bed…all the time :D

/will update soon with more interesting content…maybe

4 Responses to “So busy :/”

  1. karol says:

    You spelled favourite the American way… I can get mixing up colour since css has it as ‘color’ but favourite! lol I’m just picky because when I write I make it a note of always spelling Canadian words instead of American :p

  2. warrenshea says:

    I was like “oh a comment! maybe someone who reads a lot – and i know there are a couple of you – will comment on how to read comfortably for extended periods of time”

    ….but no.

    I have beef with Canadian spelling…i don’t like the extra u! word and wordpress put those red squiggly lines under favourite and colour…..and it bothers me ! and i’m too lazy to ignore them…or change the settings…i pronounce “route” and “lieutenant” the american way too. too much american television as a child possibly.

    well, i didn’t proof read that post and posted it after a long day, just before sleeping so i was a bit lazy in my checking and grammar…tho i probably still would have spelt favorite the same way :S so this line was irrelevant….man, i should get ready for work -_-;

  3. karol says:

    lol alright I’ll comment on reading a lot. When I read usually I sit in bed and change positions every once in a while. Like I’ll lean on my left side, then go on my back, then maybe turn on my stomach. Then rinse and repeat until I can’t stand it or I need to sleep, lol. I usually don’t sit in a chair when I read, I find it too constricting…

  4. warrenshea says:

    Sometimes I read on my back, lifting the book up but my arms get tired so fast that it’s not even really worth trying….

    I’ll try reading on my side a bit…i imagine i’d just put the book down after 10 minutes and then fall asleep tho…

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