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Warren Shea

I love solving a good problem.

Sunday, November 28th, 2010 at 3:50 am

Not much to write about. I have been coding all night, from around 6pm-11pm in ASP classic, VB.
I couldn’t get this file upload thing to work.

It’s dumb, I should have written everything in ASP.NET C#…but 90% was already coded in ASP classic VB…so I tried to power through.

5 hours later with no success, and no wanting to recode everything in ASP.NET C# or ASP.NET VB, I decided to go with PHP.

30 minutes later and I had most of what I needed. I was so happy!

And then I ran into another bug. Skip forward 4 hours (to now)…and I have it solved :) And I’m feeling very good…it’s a good feeling, working on something, in this case, 10 hours….and finally solving the problem. Yourself. I mean, there’s the internet, but not asking friends/coworkers…and being able to do what you need.

I dunno…just really happy right now :)

I really wanted to spend this weekend reading. Reading my novel and reading a CSS book. But this was good, I learned a lot about PHP and have more code base to work with, and isn’t that what it’s all about? :)

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