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Warren Shea

Transformers – Improving spatial reasoning and PEWPEWing at the same time.

Saturday, December 4th, 2010 at 3:33 am

“On average, men are better at spatial reasoning than women, and women seem to be better at verbal reasoning” – taken from some site.

I believe this is why I can transform any Transformer sans instruction manual but can’t answer the simplest anagrams or wheel of fortune puzzles. This is also why Z can do those things I can’t do but also why she would sooner break a Transformer (even the children’s ones) than properly transform it.

my car
My car. Yeah, that’s an Autobot Insignia on the hood. You wouldn’t believe the looks I get from women as I drive by.
When I look in their eyes, I can read their mind: “that guy is never getting laid…ever”.

View larger Transformers image

These are all the Transformers G1 Reissue series. I think I have every single American one.
It kind of sucks because Takara (the Japanese company that makes this – think Hasbro Japan -) has ALL of these American ones AND more such as Megatron, Blitzwing, Kup & Wheelie…..uhh, and more. AND all the pieces are the correct size. The missiles in the American versions are longer than they should be because the smaller ones are choking hazards.

The price ranges quite a bit..
Astrotrain was 63
Perceptor and the Insections were 72 each
Blaster was 50
Power Master Optimus Prime was 110 I think
Optimus and Ultra Magnus were probably around 50
And the rest around 30?

Total: Over $1000….but this is over almost a decade so whatever.

View larger Beast Wars image

View larger Beast Wars image

I loved these Beast Wars Transmetal toys. I purchased most of the direct cartoon counterparts…All the ones in the pics here were in the CG show, Beast Wars. It was pretty awesome because not only was the series in CG, it also had coherent story arcs, well developed characters (some), gut wrenching tearful moments (well, one….), and most importantly – the transformers, though beast-like, actually had toys that looked exactly like their CG counterparts, both in Beast mode and in Robot mode. That’s a Transformers win if I ever knew one. All the transformers here are accurate to the show except that Dinobot II should be the size of Rampage. Cheetor III should be slightly bigger. And Tigerhawk shouldn’t look so sh!tty (but I forgive him, he was only in like, 3 episodes…before dying a stupid death).

More Transformers to come…once I get my damn Predaking in the mail. That is the mother of all combining Transformers.

One Response to “Transformers – Improving spatial reasoning and PEWPEWing at the same time.”

  1. Salanth says:

    Meh, I’m good at those things. Beast Wars was an awesome show. However, I never got any Transformers as a child. You know why? It was all Barbie. FTS. Not even a dump truck. Now I’m getting the rage. DAMN YOU ALL!

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