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Warren Shea


Wednesday, December 15th, 2010 at 11:58 pm

Oh man, it’s 11:30 and I still have to do my accomplishments post…ah the pressures of being a disciplined blogger.

So, because of my accomplishments post, which was created to make sure I don’t lazily live my life month by month, I had done some good reading today. Great reading actually.

One of my goals was to read 2 novels this month and conclude the trilogy of Dark Angel novels that exist. I had finished one novel last month and recently (three days ago), started my second one so that I could have some progress in my accomplishments blog post. While I only read around 60 pages within the last 3 days, I really got my ass in gear and read a whole 200 pages today! 200 pages! I’m quite surprised with myself. Granted, I didn’t have work today (I’m on vacation) and I only did 4 things today: make some rib sauce and paint some ribs (30m), clean, watch Slam Dunk!, and read, I was still able to read a usually impossible amount (for me).

Now, I want to discuss reading. Originally I said I hated it, then the stance came to “I don’t hate it if it’s something I enjoy”. And well, I still wouldn’t say I enjoy reading but it’s not quite the pain in the ass thing I thought it was. I’ve been able to “deal with it” well if the writing and/or story is good.

I guess it all depends on what you’re reading. My past novel experiences were generally forced (school). Even some X-Men novels I had read in high school weren’t memorable or great. I thought the Hobbit was too long and boring as well (believe it or not, I’m not so much a fan of Fantasy – like LOTR or D&D..or Thor). That first Dark Angel book also sucked ass. Terrible stuff. So much that I didn’t want to read the other two, I thought the writer was garbage. But, feeling the need for some story closure, I decided to tough it out and read the two books. I’d been faithful to the Dark Angel series that I didn’t want to simply read a wiki on it (not that I could find one – I tried). This novel was a lot better and more interesting than the first though. I wouldn’t say that I couldn’t put it down, I still feel like there are so many other things I’d rather do then read. But this novel made it so that toughing it out wasn’t so bad.

I dunno, just the idea of reading a novel seems so incredibly daunting and…I wouldn’t say time consuming, but I can think of better ways to experience a story (like a show, movie, or a wiki) if those sources/adaptations are available. But in the case they aren’t, like these novels, or some fan-fiction…well, I’ll tough it out.

I’m excited to read the 3rd book and find closure (man, I hope the book closes things!). I think I’ll take a 2 or 3 day break before starting the third and final book. I think maybe next month I’ll read one or maybe both Wicked! books…and then maybe call it Reading quits for a while. Maybe read Harry Potter books…maybe.

Anyways, off to write my accomplishments post!

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