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Warren Shea

It’s like all I write about now is regarding web development…

Tuesday, January 18th, 2011 at 1:47 am

I’ve definitely spent considerable time and effort lately studying. It’s weird.

This month is turning out to be a record low in terms of number of posts. AND they’ve virtually all been developer posts. Pretty lame if I do say so myself.

Not much going on in my life, I was in a cab today and as I was drinking coffee, the cab just took off an i spilled coffee all over the front of my shirt. Just before a big meeting. How unfortunate.

I’m getting pretty worried regarding a topic but I’m going to hold off writing about it…for now. I pray to the God that I believe in when I’m really desperate for stuff that everything is okay…I literally did and hope everything is okay. We’ll see…….

I’ve been working on my Facebook/The Social Network post, I’m gathering thoughts, ideologies, strategies I’ve learned. I’ve seen The Social Network 3 times within the last 3 weeks, the first time for fun/awe, the second time to write about…but I eventually just re-watched it, and a third time 2 days later, actually taking notes. I want to read the Time: Mark Zuckerberg man of the year article again, as well as go through The Social Network Blu-Ray extras…before I do my post. So that may be a whiles off…

I was going thru an OOP book for a refresher and it’s surprising how much I remember, and how much I don’t. I wasn’t raised to do OO and my post-uni environment didn’t give me many chances, if any, to do OO, everything is all linear….my skills in OO really rusted in the last 5-6 years. Like, really bad. I don’t know how much I understood it in the first place but it’s almost like I’m starting from scratch…except I’m not, the terms are all familiar, I just don’t remember some definitions or when to use stuff…like trying to relearn how to put together a puzzle. You’ve done it before, you have an idea of the shape you want it to take, but it’s still almost equally as fast as the first time to get to where you were…..hmm, that’s a terrible analogy!

Anyways…I should probably sleep. Even tho I took a 2-3 hour nap after work, I’m still kinda sleepy. Reading an OO book on your free time can do that to you…

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