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Warren Shea

May is a busy month…

Monday, May 9th, 2011 at 1:41 am

Sorry for the lack of updates. I’ve only had a few things to write about lately…but not enough motivation to actually write them.

Had a good, busy weekend. Wasn’t able to do too much that I wanted….stuff for me.

I’ve had this website that I’m supposed to build for Z’s parents…
It wasn’t difficult to build, but kinda difficult to design without any design assets. Made the background (and that pattern is very much not the kind of design I regularly do) and the logo from scratch. The shape of the logo is off the sign, from google maps images :P

Glad to knock this website off my list of TO DO.


This week is a short work week for me. I’m going to Montreal with 10 or so of my friends for a bachelor party. Leaving Friday morn, expected to return Sunday by noon. I have Thurs and Monday off but those will probably be errand and recovery days, respectively.

That brings us to May 17. Starting May 17, I have a big project at work, and people actually under me. My big chance to be a project and team lead. That’ll be new and interesting. Except I didn’t mean interesting, I meant tedious. I’m not good with people under me, asking me questions frequently. Because when I can’t get my work done, it starts to get annoying….and then I lash out at them.

May 26 is my birthday, May 28 is my friend’s wedding…and Anime North is May 27-29 but I don’t think I’ll be attending. Well, still considering it…hard to justify going if I don’t want to buy anything as I’ve been online shopping and preordering like mad lately. I’m totally on top of my game with what I wanna buy and what’s coming to me, a convention would simply be impulsive buys…probably not anything I could afford right now.

Anyways, that brings us to the end of May.

To be honest, while I want to play Zelda: Majora’s Mask or Kingdom Hearts (my 2 gamer sources both telling me to play one game before the other, I don’t know what to do!), I haven’t wanted to while I’m busy and can’t finish the game in say, a week or 2 weeks. So I might wait until June to start one of them. Leaning towards Majora’s Mask simply because I still feel like I’m in the Zelda world. I would still recognize the characters, and the type of game play. And for Kingdom Hearts, there are a bunch of Disney movies I want to watch before hand. Both Alice in Wonderlands, maybe Tarzan again…who knows. On the other hand, I also want to play Kingdom Hearts more than Majora’s Mask…so playing MM might just be to ‘get it over with’.

Anyways…just wanted to drop in. Haven’t written anything for 6? days now…that’s gotta be some kinda record! Didn’t have much to say but just wanted something fresh on my homepage!

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