Ugh….Sorry for the lack updates.
I was supposed to do my Accomplishments post yesterday and my WTB post today. I’ve seriously felt terrible the last few days. Not sick…but my allergies are just wrecking me. I’m tired…and just overall unhappy. I wake up with itchy eyes. My nose is always 5x more sensitive during allergy season so it tends to bleed for no reason. I could honestly just be sitting somewhere, I think my nose is running (from allergies), and when I check, it’s blood. Ugh.
Yesterday…went to Shoeless Joe’s for dinner. Came home, blew my nose. It was bleeding so I went to lie down. Ended up sleeping from 8pm-ish to 8:30am today. I thought maybe…if I slept a lot, allergies would bother me less. They’re actually not to bad today, so I’m not sure if either that theory plays out…or the 14 degree C weather is the cause. Cold = less allergies….so I’m thankful for that today.
Anyways…will write more later today and tomorrow….hopefully.