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Warren Shea

Great day – Formal day-before-wedding party!

Saturday, June 11th, 2011 at 3:40 am

Let’s start the day off.

Went to work at 9:30am. I had a previously scheduled appointment for 3pm today….so I was only in part of the day. But my boss wasn’t in today. So at 12, I went out to lunch with my usual crew + more. About 15 people in total. Very awesome because Z took today off so she was able to eat lunch with us. At 2, (2 hour lunch!), Z and I left for our appointment. Spoiler alert, we had facial appointment :P Microdermabrasion. The suction out your pores and remove the dirt and oil and stuff…and then they close the pores. Anyways, when we were done, we decided to go to Eaton Centre to look for a dress for tomorrow. By we, I mean Z. I went to Indigo and was looking at Manga, Video Game Guides, and Graphic Novels. At 4pm….we found out about a formal dinner…for 7pm that day O_O. In 3 hours!? And we were downtown, unprepared, unformally dressed….crazy! We went home, got home around 5:15….got ready until 6:15 and then went to a banquet ball for the party. Funny thing is that even though we got there are for 7pm….the bride didn’t really come in til 9pm. So we kinda just…chilled for 2 hours! All that rush for nothing. 9-12 was basically eating and drinking. I was going to drive, I only had 1 beer tonight until like 12, when the bride’s dad started to make people drink. So I took a shot. But since I took that one shot, there was no way I was driving home. So in the next 10 minutes, I had 3 more shots :) Didn’t affect me quite as much as I would have liked. 3 shots of tequila, 1 shot of vodka. The Shot Theory is really working out well!

Stupid me, there was one point where the bride asked me to dance in the middle of the floor and I declined. But you never decline the bride…(tho technically her wedding day is tomorrow). I had spent much of the night making other people do what the bride wanted but when it came to me, I wussed out. Weak. And VERY bad.
But….luckily, before the night was over, I redeemed myself when she asked me to go dance in the center of the stage with her…and I did :) I’m very glad I did because if I didn’t, that would have plagued my life. I tend to dwell on stuff like that.

I went to sleep around 2am, after my internet died in the middle of writing my blog post. I think I slept for about 30 minutes before…waking up! And then I came out to blog more. Weird how I didn’t just, yknow, sleep through the night. (And note: I didn’t wake up to puke). Ugh, I can still taste the tequila in my mouth. I like vodka more.

Anyways, I should sleep now…3:30am :/ Need to wake up at 11am tomorrow for lunch, ceremony at 2:30pm, break and then reception at 7:00pm. Another long day tomorrow. But I absolutely had a blast tonight :) Totally love (as a friend) the bride and I had so much fun at my first muslim wedding….the music is….different :) but I’ve been educated!


Also, I’m a super happy drunk. Alcohol really brings down my generally high walls, it brings down my inhibitions, it lets me be free. And I love it. As long as people are there to keep in me check from doing something too bad…I’m good. Though to be honest, I’ve never been super smashed ever. No drunken puke yet. No memory lapses. No passing out. Even when I try to get smashed and push my limits, it seems that those limits have not been yet. My power is OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Dragonball joke]

Okay. Time for bed :) Did not proofread….will proofread tomorrow :D

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