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Warren Shea

Tuesday, July 19th, 2011 at 2:26 am

I know I haven’t been blogging lately…not completely sure what it is. i’ve been watching Breaking Bad lately…tore through the British show Misfits – Heroes + Fast Forward – which turned out to be really good and interesting.

To be honest, most of my time I’ve been on working with (not available yet)
It’s taking so long. Building the site was fun but filling in the content, writing professionally….I know I’m procrastinating. I’m having trouble finding my professional voice. I want to be professional…but fun at the same time. Easy going but reliable. It’s tricky…and I’m really struggling.

It’s also difficult to write the resume portion. I want to highlight the things I’ve done as quickly and concise as possible. I want key words to pop out. At this point in my life, I’ve looked at hundreds of resumes. I’ve done dozens of interviews, both UWaterloo co-op ones as well as others. I know when I see a good resume…but I’m having trouble replicating that.

My feelings as a perfectionist and my OCD are really hindering my ability to move forward. If this were an art projects, I’d have given up by now. But I know this site has to be done, and done well….

Anyways….this is what I’ve been doing. Writer’s block for weeks. It’s painful. Probably also another reason why I can’t blog, I can’t seem to move forward with my writing. It’s hard to write anything before finishing the writing on this site.

*cough*…………except for this post.

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