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Warren Shea

Feeling like ass

Saturday, September 3rd, 2011 at 1:51 am

I felt absolutely terrible this week. Not to mention all the work this week…

After my vacation, I couldn’t, and still can’t get my sleeping back on track. Monday, I couldn’t fall asleep…ended up pulling an all nigher, 24.5 hours….where the last 8 or so was at work. Generally, my mind starts to go around 20-22 hours…I generally can’t make it to 24. I had 2 XL coffees that day….and I think those hurt my sleeping…

For the next 2 days, I was waking up at 4am, despite sleeping at midnight….and I’d wake up wired, cuz of the coffee i’d be drinking to keep me awake while at work.

For the next 3 or so days, I’d still wake up at 4am or 5am, no matter what….and I’d wake up wide awake. But I was able to get to sleep within 30m…thank god. seriously.

So my sleeping has been messed. I’ve been so stressed with work. Wired on caffeine, but incredibly tired. Travelling to my (second office) this week at yonge and sheppard….and finally, I had allergies, giving me general weakness and a runny/stuffed up nose. I thought I was getting sick but fortunately it was just allergies.

Not to mention working OT whenever I could, a rooftop BBQ yesterday…I’m just so exhausted. I was supposed to go out tonight, I had 2 social events…but I cancelled them both, I just needed to rest. Tomorrow, I have another social event (a picnic), and Sunday the CNE…and Monday I’ll hopefully be resting and working OT.

I had no energy to blog, missed my 1st and 2nd day posts….til today.

Ugh. Worst week this year :(

Anyways…hoping things get better for me.

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