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Warren Shea

The Zombie Apocalypse

Saturday, October 15th, 2011 at 4:24 am

I’ll admit, I’m not much of a zombie person. While the idea, once I’ve given it more thought, intrigues me….I definitely dislike the idea of an onslaught of mindless, but difficult to stop zombies approaching me. I feel anxiety when I watch it, fearing a personal plague on myself despite being highly unlikely (at this time…).

It frightens me that a simple bite could cause a zombie. I mean, it seems quite difficult to avoid. If I were at home, in my condo and the zombie apocalypse hit, I’m sure I’d be dead within moments. I’m on the 8th floor…my only way to ground is stairs (a small area) or….freefall or something :) Plus, I live downtown. There’d be zombies everywhere. No, I don’t predict much hope for me if the zombie apocalypse were to occur. That said, I wouldn’t move away from downtown to avoid this potential threat.

Anyways…if there were a zombie apocalypse, this is an idea I had…for safety reasons though not for survivability. I would go way up North, where it’s so cold you might freeze to death. But I’d bring clothes and hopefully find shelter there. In a place like this, zombies would be stuck dead in their tracks (because of how cold it is). It would be difficult to survive, probably impossible to survive a long time….but you’d be safe from zombies.

As I was watching The Walking Dead, the idea behind the science, or biology of a zombie did intrigue me. I mean, a zombie can “live” without legs, or a stomach…or arms…basically, they just need the head. My question is, what keeps the cells alive? If blood isn’t needed in a zombie (because obviously they’re powered not by oxygen, but by…..I dunno) then what’s doing it?
Would zombie DNA or cells…I dunno, be solar powered (I’m trying to think how a zombie could survive a seeming eternity…without nourishment or energy)? That’s the only way I can think of for a zombie to live. They have like, Mitochondria that hold and convert solar energy into allowing the body to move without blood, limbs, etc….

Like, I understand…their brain losing all high functions, and they’re driven just on need to survive…and they want to feast on “brains” or any living thing…but they don’t need it (at least, from what I’ve seen from The Walking Dead). A zombie goes after the living…but can remain in a dormant “living” state without anything for a long period of time. My thoughts are that they don’t need living for nourishment or power….it’s just a mindless craving they have, but do not need. Doesn’t seem to make much sense from a survivability perspective….but I guess it’s the main premise of a zombie. If a zombie weren’t going after the living….it’d just be really really boring.

Maybe I’m over-analyzing. Again, I’ve never really given much thought to the zombie apocalypse but I’m glad I’ve been thinking about it. It’s always nice to try to figure stuff out :)

What I really don’t understand is….if the zombie apocalypse occurs….why not just plant sunflowers, corn, watermelons, squashes, and other fruits and vegetables on your front lawn. It seems to work pretty well for me in Plants VS Zombies. I guess you need to be good at Tower Defense (which I am!).

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