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Warren Shea


Friday, October 21st, 2011 at 6:35 pm

What can I say, my hiatus lasted a little over 24 hours. :/

I sent my request to my hosting company to move to new, upgraded hosting at around 11PM.
By 1AM, my new hosting had already been created/completed: Free of charge.

By 3AM, I moved the content of
to my new hosting.

By 3AM, I was trying to restore my 21MB WordPress SQL backup file, when the Import of the new DB was at a 2MB max. WTF.
I found a PHP script that took the SQL file, and pending correct database information, would run the SQL commands though the PHP. Effectively, rather than myPHPAdmin or whatever importing the contents of the .SQL file, it was basically a PHP script running the .SQL commands, effectively restoring the database. I ran into some minor but easily remedied trouble…but I’ve only been working on the site for like, 30m-1hour, and as you can see, by 7PM I have my backups restored.

I’m currently just archiving my content, SQL databases, etc…

My goal tonight is to install WordPress onto my new PHP5 server, for my new domain. Also, to make sure everything is running okay. If this blog works…my hopes are high.

All together, the migration seems pretty damn painless.
Now seems to be a good time to promote my hosting: IX Web Hosting. I’ve been with them since March 2007…so almost 5 years. They’ve been fantastic….no problems on my end. This was another example of a simply fantastic job.

So I’m back. Already.

Off to continue working on stuff….see you soon! :D

One Response to “Hiatus….OVER!”

  1. lol, the PHP script to run SQL commands sounds pretty hilarious, good to see that it all went well though :)

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