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Warren Shea

Update on…my sad, little life.

Tuesday, October 25th, 2011 at 10:42 pm

I’ve been playing League of Legends (LoL) a lot since Sunday. I’ve had the game for 2 years but only played once in those 2 years. I got an email from Riot Games saying if I don’t play, I’ll lose my summoner (handle) name. Well played Riot Games. You got me. I’ve been playing a lot ever since…..

It’s nice cuz I play DOTA…and this is like DOTA…but new, and more fun (…and less fun). It’s definitely a welcome distraction from the annoyances of life though. And by life, I mean work. It’s not as busy as I thought…now. But it’s going to be stupid busy starting Sunday. Also, because a release last weekend was delayed (a 15-45m workcall on Fri ended up taking 3 hours….and then 2 hours Saturday morning at 9AM >:( ), I also have to work Thursday and Friday night this week. So Saturday night is my only night I’m not working. For the next….like, 10 days. No jokes.

I think I’m gonna take a bit of a break with LoL. Although I want to play it…it’s getting in the way of my productivity. I don’t think I’m going to finish until mid Nov….especially since, well…I haven’t worked on it (despite saying I would).

And I really wanna start my new site. I’ll admit: after trying to figure WordPress out, how it should be used, and how themes are done….I still don’t like it. The control I have on is fantastic. WordPress only handles the blogs portion. Everything else is mine. I like it that way.

So I might…do what I did for…but on my new site. I need a blog, but moreso than that…I need…control of other stuff. I’ve really been thinking lately on how I should be handling data: mySQL or XML…or maybe there’s another datatype I should try. OO PHP or JavaScript? I don’t know. I’m leaning towards XML cuz I don’t really wanna build my own CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) system for the database….and I don’t wanna edit the DB manually (obviously). XML seems nice and easy, and I can use the dev software of my choice.

Of course, even this site isn’t the one I really want to do. I’m still eventually planning my EPIC SITE. Though I’m lost for an idea atm…still have to figure that one out :(

Anyways, just wanted to write something, haven’t written in a while.

Taking the subway the last 2 weeks…so not really thinking about anything. I have some rants I wanna do in the future…but not tonight.

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