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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword [Wii] – Review

Monday, January 23rd, 2012 at 3:16 am

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Okay, let me get it straight off my chest that I haven’t played that many of the Zelda games. Especially the recent ones.
I’ve played and beat (a loooooong time ago) The Legend of Zelda [NES], played Zelda II: The Adventure of Link [NES], I’ve played and beat Zelda: A Link to the Past [SNES] multiple times. And I’ve played and beat Zelda: Ocarina of Time on both the [Wii] and [3DS]. But after that, there’s a giant gap in Zelda games I haven’t played. So it’s hard to compare what’s innovative and not innovative from Skyward Sword. That said, I’ll continue with my review.


This game is pretty awesome. The controls were quite unique. Specific sword slashing took me a while but became easy, I did struggle with thrusting the sword even at the end of the game. It was pretty really difficult for me which is ironic cuz i’m awesome at thrusting IRL (ba dum dum ching). The stamina gauge, though seemingly cumbersome and unnecessary at first, provides quite a bit of challenge. Shortly after the game starts, managing the stamina gauge definitely all becomes second nature to control.

I think swimming, as always, was a bit difficult to control but I won’t dock that down for points cuz that’s only a pretty small part of the game.

The puzzles in this game were really good, as expected from a Zelda game. There’s definitely a lot of unique puzzles which are allowed due to the controls.

The mini-games are fun too, as usual. Like Ocarina of Time and collecting those 100 Skulltula Tokens, Skyward Sword has 80 Gratitude Crystals. The good thing is that many can be earned 5 at a time for completing a small errand/task. Personally, I found collecting the Gratitude Crystals to be much less annoying.

I remember how difficult getting a heart piece was in Ocarina of Time when hitting targets with your Bow and Arrow while riding Epona (your horse) on the Wii. I had to put a post-it note on the TV for where the arrow would strike. After I did that, it was easy. But then doing that exact same thing in the Ocarin of Time on the 3DS was ridiculously easy because of the gyro-feature. That said, I did struggle doing the pumpkin toss for a while. Shooting the arrow, while gauging power, with the Wii controller wasn’t that easy. Still, I got the hang of it.

The “Wheel” mini-game in Skyward Sword, where you can make money really fast was probably the minigame I played most. For some reason, the wallet size in Skyward Sword is a staggering 9900 rupees. Far more than the 999 in A Link to the Past and 500(?) in Ocarina of Time. And, being the perfection/completist I am, filled my wallet to the max before finishing the game. I think I only had 3000-4000 rupees just before the final boss/point of no return so I had to earn like, 6000 more. Fortunately, the best prize on this is 500 rupees. I had basically tried to learn “how to beat this game” in my first few attempts. It didn’t take long, but I found a pretty decent winning strategy. Eventually, I was able to beat it pretty consistently, getting 2×500 in a row multiple times, and getting 4×500’s in a row! 4 times in a row! AWESOME STREAK! That was my most epic moment of this game :) I was able to earn 6000 in probably about an hour/hour and a half of playing that game. Not that long, all things considered.

BTW My total playtime for this game was 57 hours.

Also: Man, this game is HARD. Like….it’s not the puzzles, and fights in general…but I struggled with almost all the boss fights except the pirate ship tentacle monster. When I did Boss Rush mode at the end for my Hylian shield (which requires 8 boss fight wins in a row), I was like, sweating cuz it was so intense and difficult. Seriously though, I’ve played many Zelda games but these bosses and fights were by far the hardest I’ve experienced, in general. That said, after you know how to beat a boss…it IS significantly easier. I went into each boss adamant about not looking at any hints…so as not to “cheat” the first time, and definitely struggled. But doing a boss fight a third time (cuz the second is still kinda hard), you see how easy they can be.

Also: Man, the dungeons are LONG. There are fewer dungeons in this game than most games. I know you usually start off with 3 hearts in Zelda but in this one, you start off with 6. Meaning there are less dungeons and final bosses where you earn full heart pieces. There are also two tokens that you wear to give you 2 hearts. So basically, it’s 5 hearts you don’t earn (through bosses) short of the other games. HOWEVER. The dungeons are pretty long imo. They do come with (thankfully) multiple save points for the casual gamer like myself. I know I could beat Zelda: A Link to the Past, and get everything, in like, 8 or 10 hours. This game took me 57…and I’m sure replaying this game wouldn’t shorten it considerably. Maybe I’d do 30 or 40, but I doubt I could cut it shorter than that. It’s definitely a long game. Though comparing it to say, Zelda: Ocarina of Time, I don’t know (tried to look at my saves for times, but couldn’t find any).

The weapons you use in this game are interesting. Like Ocarina of Time, you start off with a Slingshot. However, you NEVER get a boomerang in Skyward Sword! I find that just WRONG! but it actually works out well. And I think in the other games, you get Bow and Arrow fairly quickly. Well, in Zelda: A Link to the Past you do, as well as the original Zelda. But in this game, it’s the last item you get. And once I got it, I could see why. You can be SO CHEAP with a Bow and Arrow. Sniping from afar….so fun, very cheap :) It’s a good move that they gave you that weapon last, cuz I exploited the heck out of it.

STORY: 9/10

I was a little disappointed with the story for most of the game. It seemed like for 80% of the game, you didn’t know WHY you were doing anything. Like, you sorta knew (to save Zelda) but there’s gotta be more, right? Anyways….I think 4/5 of the way into the game, you get a bit more story. And then you get a lot more in the last 1/5 and the end.

I think the story itself is great. Everything seems to make sense, I guess. Like, as the first Zelda game (storywise)…it (sorta) explains all the other Zelda games. There are multiple references to Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and that world/storyline including the Sheikah and the Gorons. Of course, I don’t know what any other references there were, having never played Majora’s Mask or Twilight Princess. There certainly weren’t many to A Link To the Past….but that game seems to follow something else entirely. I think the Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask world is the world they want as the “official” timeline. I can see why, Ocarina of Time, Skyward Sword, and Majora’s Mask are all masterpieces. But what’s up with the Minish Cap? :P And a Link to the Past doesn’t follow any of this stuff other than that the villain is Ganon.

One very interesting thing…is that I feel I understand now why this series of games is called “The Legend of Zelda”….as there’s certainly a lot of legend, and story around Zelda. Link is definitely the savior of each game, but the story of legend is and was always Zelda. Sorry Link.


For a Zelda game, they’re great. For a Wii game, they’re great. But I really didn’t like the….blurred out look for things that were further away. I felt that this sort of thing distracted me from the game slightly. Anyways, it’s definitely it’s own Wii visual masterpiece. But it doesn’t hold up to PS3 or XBOX 360 standards. Not even close.


As always, Zelda BRINGS IT when it comes to music. Not much else to say…the little spins on known themes were cool. I’d love to figure out the story behind the Skyward Sword theme and playing it backwards to create Zelda’s Lullaby from Ocarina of Time.

FUN: 10/10

This is one of the best games I’ve played in a while. Well, I guess Zelda: Ocarina of Time goes up there as well. I think that because of HOW this game is played (with the Wii Controller and Nunchuk) sets it apart from the other Zelda and can be more fun than Ocarina of Time (gameplay wise). However, Ocarina had better bosses and the story was much better. Skyward Sword had some Ocarina of Time-esque time travel but not quite the same. And man, how many times do you have to fight the same boss in Skyward Sword >:( SERIOUSLY W.T.F. The Imprisoned THREE TIMES?! >_< Do you know how many times you had to re-fight bosses in Ocarina of Time? Um....NONE? (I think). Oops, that's a sorta side rant. Anyways, Skyward Sword IS fun.


This game proves once again that awesome gameplay, story, and music can trump cutting edge graphics. That a game without blood, sex, and violence can still be amazing. It’s definitely a great game…comparing it to a truly epic Zelda game like Ocarina of Time, I thought that the story was weaker but all the other things were close in comparison, quality wise. The repetitive bosses are a little tiring, and the boss difficulty was a bit too hard I think, compared to Ocarina of Time…but nothing substantially worse. The dungeons are fewer, but more creative and longer.

So, despite my few 9s… rates – The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword [Wii] – 10/10!

One Response to “The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword [Wii] – Review”

  1. Palutena says:

    Yay! SHould I get Skyward Sword? And where do they sell it? ^w^

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