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Warren Shea

Fan Expo

Monday, August 20th, 2012 at 2:09 am

To go or not to go. A question I ask myself every year.

Honestly, I’ve been leaning towards no. While there are some new comics I want to get, I really only want to buy 3 things – 3 hard to find Kotobuiya Bishoujo statues. But I think the odds that they’re even at this Con are very slim.

But looking at the times and cost, if I went, I’d most likely go only:
Thursday: 4:00am – 8:30pm . Cost – 25.00 !! (so much $$ for 4.5 hours!)
Friday: 10:00am – 6:30pm . Cost – 30.00 (this seems a lot better).

I think I’m heavily considering going only on Friday. I don’t want to go Thursday out of fear that they’ll be setting up still and risk losing the opportunity to buy these items simply cuz they’re not unpacked yet.

Anyways, we’ll see…

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