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Warren Shea

I’ve been….busy.

Wednesday, July 10th, 2013 at 9:04 pm

No doubt, I haven’t blogged in a while. Sorry everyone!

My new role is taxing me like crazy. I’m working harder than I have in years – but it’s in a great way. I’m honestly loving it and it’s honestly burning me out. Tried not to work at all tonight but we’ll see how it goes. It’s only 9pm.

It’s funny, last time I got sick, I said I’d start sleeping early. I’ve been sleeping at 12-1am instead of 2-3am lately. A huge 2 hour difference. But I’ve started to notice…instead of waking up at 8:30-9am like I usually do, I’ve been waking up at 7-7:30am! So….my change in sleeping hasn’t done anything! I’m still getting 6ish hours! The last couple of nights, I’ve been sleeping at 10-11…which I think should be my “hope for” standard. I just don’t have the energy to last the day…

This is also why I’m blogging less and simply doing less – I’m just busy. Work is taking up…honestly, 3-4 extra hours of my day. That’s time I could be spent….reading manga or playing games, or deving. It’s quite the change. In a great way, but it’s hard, no doubt about it.

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