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Like a phoenix, my 3DS rises from the ashes!

Wednesday, July 10th, 2013 at 9:36 pm

So, as a completist, if I don’t finish a game, it kind of just….lingers as in progress….forever. That’s how my Kid Icarus was. I did not like that game, despite the humor, anime and voice acting. Shame.

My 3DS sat on my desk, unused…for months. Months! But as June comes to an end, so does Nintendo Club’s year-long point collecting. I was 50 coins short of platinum this year so I decided to buy some 3DS games to push me over. I bought Donkey Kong Country 3D and Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I started playing Donkey Kong Country but….it’s just like the SNES game…and I didn’t like that all too much. Gave Animal Crossing a try and was like “WTF IS THE POINT OF THIS GAME?!” and was SO disappointed in buying it.

A few days later, decided to give Animal Crossing another try and….man, now I’m playing it like crazy! I’ve only been playing it a week or so but I’ve already expanded my house…twice! I was playing a lot….but I’ve slowed down a bit the last couple of days. But I’m bringing my 3DS to work every day, playing it occasionally. Playing it a bit in the morning, a bit at lunch, when I come home from work, and just before I sleep. I find the music relaxing :) Being Mayor of the town (of Yukino) feels like being a manager. Working hard to make sure the town/team does well!

Unfortunately/fortunately, I just got a new 3DS game today too! Project X Zone and I’ve been playing that (done Prologue 5 atm) for a while. It’s C.R.A.Z.Y. Lookit all the characters in this game!

You make teams of 3 and it’s cool, you mix and match characters. This prologue is all about the introduction of characters so you’ll have the Street Fighter and Tekken guys like “hey, good to see you again” (cuz they met in another game) and then you have Jill Valentine say to Chun Li “Hey, you’re Chun Li from Interpol”…cuz Jill’s a cop. And you have Dante teaming up with Arthur from Ghosts ‘n Goblins and they’re like ‘Sup, we’re both demon hunters’ and it’s AWESOME. Love bringing in characters from around the universes and tying them into a cohesive world. And…I haven’t got there yet but I’m gonna lose it when I see Mega Man X and Zero :D

So not much Animal Crossing tonight, just going to try to get through this prologue.

Also, it’s cool – the art is anime styles. The voice acting is Japanese (! YAY!) with English Subtitles. I think one of the first characters introduced in the game is voiced by D.N.Angel’s Riku Harada. That was pretty cool to notice, haven’t heard that voice in a while.

Anyways….so been playing my 3DS a lot lately….having a lotta fun !

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