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Warren Shea

When I dream, it may as well be real

Wednesday, October 9th, 2013 at 12:31 am

I’ve spoken to some people to say ‘they can control the dream’. While I’ve found it to rarely occur, in most cases I’m just along for the subconscious (or is it unconscious?) ride.

I would say that I dream a lot (but that’s hard to back up) – but whenever I dream, I’m pretty much along for whatever dream my mind is creating.
Isn’t it odd that you can doze off momentarily, dream for a few seconds, and within those few seconds, feel like you’re in another world or another you?

I could be in bed one moment and a moment later, travel along the ocean in a floating car. And in no point in my dream do I think ‘hey, I was just on the bed; this isn’t real’. No, my dream mind is thinking ‘Where’s land? My floating car needs turnip juice for fuel and the only way to get it is from those cyborg gorillas in dresses’. No, at no point do I consider such a dream absurd.

…but why not?

What is it that chemically? neurologically? electric impulsey? happens in the mind that causes this? Or do dreams and rational thought or memory exist on different ‘lobes’ (not sure if I’m using this term correctly) and because they don’t ‘talk’, I don’t get logic in dreams. But the memory definitely has to exist as dreams are often filled with people you know or places you know. If so, why isn’t, say, the memory of me lying down on the bed 5 minutes ago come up? Or at least, the logic?

Ugh, I feel like I definitely did NOT do my research prior to writing this post. I tried googling but I come up with crap. Apparently ‘understanding your dreams’ can be posted about for pages. But the actual ‘understanding your dreams from a neurological perspective’ isn’t as easy to find. What, no brain surgeons doing blogging?


That’s it! I’m done for now! Time to go do something I do frequently every day but have no understand of how it’s being accomplished. Kinda like my day job lolol!

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