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Warren Shea

You know what sucks? Getting old…

Monday, March 24th, 2014 at 1:30 am

and I mean in the shallowest, superficial way possible. It sucks looking old.
It sucks looking at my Facebook pictures when I joined and seeing how young I look. So full of life and potential! That young, charismatic, dare I say – handsome, young man.

Lookit old me (ironically, young me) from 10ish years ago!

Now, I’m at the point where I may as well look 45! (exaggeration)

Z is in her mid-late 20s but she still looks great! She takes care of skin and face…I don’t. But I’m starting to wish I did. WHERE’S THAT SHISEIDO CREAM? I’m gonna blob a whole mess of that on!
0% care for 10 years. 300% care for 1 night. That’ll make up for it right!?

Also – this job is gonna turn me grey before my years, I know it!

When I was younger, I was always terrified that I’d go bald/balding by 30 – because of how much product I put in my hair in my teens. Even throughout my 20s, I’d wash my hair in the shower and see all these hairs fall out and it’d honestly depress and scare me (yes, I’m quite vain…and shallow). I’m thankful that, at 31, my hair is still in tact. Who am I without my hair? Just another asian dude that’s good at math. Only 1 jillion of those in the world.


I’m not really freaking out…but I was thinking about this in the last couple of hours.

….I’ll go do something that’s less depressing now…

*opens up Pokemon X on the 3DS* – at least I’m mentally still a child…. :)

2 Responses to “You know what sucks? Getting old…”

  1. El Granto says:

    I still think you’re pretty!

    The reason you found all that hair falling out in the shower is because when it’s all stuck together with gel it wouldn’t naturally shed off like everyone else. I had that fear too when I was younger and used to gel my hair. A very understandable fear when my father is bald (even though hair pattern is passed through the mother).

  2. warrenshea says:

    Yeah, my father is balding too but my mother’s side is okay, I think. Thank goodness :)

    Yeah, I assumed it was the gelled hair but even now, when I wash my hair, I’m gentle with the lathering – and I try not to look at my hair falling out lol.

    I’m trying to avoid the psychological damage to my vanity… :)

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