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Warren Shea

Site Updates…sorta

Saturday, May 8th, 2010 at 12:39 pm

I realized I had completely misused the “Categories” section and used it like tags/labels…and didn’t use tags at all. I’ve gone through all my posts -_-; and rectified the issue. Ew. Rectified is an ugly word. The meaning is nice but it sounds like rectum. That’s an ugly ass word. Pun intended *ba dum dum ching* ….this is you -_-;

I like my categories a lot more now, they make a lot more sense. I’ve also included a new category, EPIC RANTS…these are my favorite posts, the ones I’ve had lingering in my head for years…the ones that always had a beginning, middle, and end, even a few years ago. They’re supposed to make you think differently about something…Sadly, I thought I had more of them…like, 10. Not 5 :( I’m disappointed…

The site progress has been going well, the only section not completed right now is Portfolio….that will take some time, I’m still trying to figure out how I want to do the layout. I’m realizing how difficult some of these pages are if I change the layout to my Naruto layout (effectively making the main space about 1/5 smaller in width, thus messing with my design). BTW. My Naruto layout has NOT been started…it’s really hard :( this one is way more artsy than my others….and it’s difficult getting the right feel for Naruto…there’s no site out there that’s designed in a Naruto-ish way…the way I want to design my site. If you have any, let me know so I can steal borrow some ideas.

Also: Regarding my last post: I have absolutely no room in my condo for another Manga series. What was I thinking. Though I did decide to get Prince of Tennis if I start another one…yes, that shall be my next series. I will probably start getting it…and figure out the space thing after. I’m sure it’ll work out. O_o
And I plan to read School Rumble and 20th Century Boys in the near future. *goes and puts that on his “To Read” list*. I’ll probably save 20th Century Boys for when I feel like something dark again.

I also got my Kirby pillow in the mail this week :) Sleeping with a star pillow is kinda awkward tho…its corners are always in my face. I forgive Kirby tho cuz he’s so cute!

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