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Warren Shea

Zoning out in deep thought

Wednesday, May 19th, 2010 at 5:49 pm

I love the feeling of zoning out in deep thought. Today, on my walk home…I sort of just…realized where I was suddenly. And I realized I didn’t remember walking there, the sights I had seen for the last few minutes, I couldn’t remember what I was thinking about even…I WAS thinking about something, but I just sort of…zoned out for a few minutes. It happens quite easily when I drive too. But it’s strange, your body/natural reflexes still notice everything. I stop for stop signs, red lights, I go on greens, I watch the cars…but it’s all unconscious…or subconscious? Like, I can drive for 5 or 10 minutes…drive completely safe, obey the laws, watch out for danger…but not remember doing it because my mind is elsewhere…zoned out.

I’m sure everyone’s experienced this as well…well, I would assume. Obviously not if you’re a new driver…for example, when I first started driving, I couldn’t listen to the radio or have people talk in my car, I got distracted and couldn’t focus so well on driving. Mind you, this is like, right when I started driving. But now, driving is the unconscious part…and my focus is elsewhere, on a conversation or the lyrics to a song…

I really get my best thinking done in the car when I’m alone or when I’m walking alone or lying in my bed alone. I guess there’s nothing else you can do except be with your thoughts…and you can’t be with your thoughts when others are around.

I imagine this zoning out would be how iGo players play. They sort of…zone out in deep thought/contemplation. I could never do it, although I enjoy deep thought, I think I have some kind of short-term memory issue or ADD, sometimes I lose track of what I was thinking/talking about mid sentence. If you know me at all, you’ve probably noticed I’ll talk about something…pause, and then say “….what was I talking about?”. It’s rather annoying. Faulty wiring in my brain. Electric signals/impulses don’t make it to my brain. Which might be true because those same signals often misfire which, from a..physiological (?) standpoint, cause symptoms of OCD.

Hmm, I think this topic has been covered in a previous blog post O_O but I don’t remember which one. I often tell the same stories…like, I can’t remember if I’ve said something before. Like, I really get my best thinking done in the car when I’m alone or when I’m walking alone or lying in my bed alone. If you didn’t see wat i did thar, then maybe you have a short term memory problem. Or you didn’t completely read my post and just skimmed it. It’s okay, I forgives you.

What was I talking about again? (hah! c wat i did thar again!?) Writing is fun.

Do you people zone out when you do certain things? It really mostly only happens when I walk or drive. Does it happen for you guys/girls in other situations?

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