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Warren Shea

Wowowow! Google + Font Previewer

Thursday, May 20th, 2010 at 8:59 pm

By linking to a google stylesheet, you can put a special font on a webpage without the user needing to have the TTF (truetype font) or w/e font.

I thought this was epicly cool, I wanted the title for my webpage to be a certain font but due to the limitations of fonts on other computers, I had to go with an image…

Given a stronger set of font styles, this could be pretty damn epic in the future, at least for me.

Also, lately I’ve been loading my Ajax libraries API (JavaScript libraries) using Google

I thought both of these were kool…I especially like loading external libraries..that way you don’t have to keep them on your server. I mean, it’s not a big deal, there are a couple reasons why you would want to do this…but I’m too tired to list them.

God so tired, can’t think, can’t write coherent blog post.

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