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Archive for the ‘Things I Own’ Category

I don’t know why I go to the manga section at the bookstore…

Monday, December 20th, 2010 at 9:20 pm

…until today! Dun dun dun….

I went to Indigo today and I decided to do my usual routine:

Check out the graphic novel (read: comic book trade paperback) section and see if there were any hardcover books that I like that have made it to the cheaper paperback format. Then, for the ones that have, I rationalize that I could probably either DL it for free or that the story probably isn’t/won’t be as good as I think. And I don’t buy anything.

Then, before leaving, I check out the manga section. I glance at all the titles and, like always, realize:
1. All the titles that I would want to buy right now, I’m waiting for the box set/collector’s edition
2. Any new titles I might want to start, I should probably read online first to see if I like it. No way am I buying one manga (no pun intended) because I will, as usual, go buy the rest of the set. But if I’m going to buy the rest of the set, I might as well wait for a box set/collector’s edition.
(BTW, damn you Scott Pilgrim for coming out with a Box Set. Difference between my 6 volumes and the box set 6 volumes: 1 box and 1 poster. In no way worth spending $56. Alas, it’s a box set I’ll never own…Q_Q)

Anyways, so I’m in the manga section thinking: Again I visit this place, never finding anything worth pur—
And seriously just as I was thinking that, I saw this!

I was like “WTF IS THIS…Ohhh, I’ve heard of this, they make references to it in the Death Note Box Set”…I dunno, I was super surprised but I guess that’s my fault as I failed to do research on stuff. That always happens.

Anyways, I just posted this because I thought it was funny that I was just thinking
1. “I’m never gonna find anything worth pur–” and then I saw it
2. I’m planning to finish my (final) Dark Angel novel today and that means I’ll have this to read after :D

And then I may (or may not) read some Wicked novels and then I’m calling it quits for novel reading until I really find something I want to read. Reading novels can be fun but once I start a novel, I really focus a lot of time until I finish it. Like, I start a book and suddenly everything else becomes priority two. I don’t like that. It’s all about balance!

Anyways, off to read…60-70 pages left :) I’m a reading machine suddenly

/warrenbot points at novel words and then starts pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew. bzzt. READ ERROR. I/O FAILURE. ACCESS DENIED. SHUTDOWN.   ….  *


Sunday, December 19th, 2010 at 6:11 pm

I got my D-Arts Wargreymon in the mail yesterday. It’s sweet. Even better is the future release of Omnimon and MetalGarurumon.

Now, when I was younger, I purchased a Wargreymon…which happens to be the same size as the D-Arts version I got so I thought I’d post a shot-by-shot comparison.

Click on the images for a larger one
Wargreymon Comparison chart

The Crest of Courage!

You want a piece of me?

Terra Force!

Look at those blades. They look vicious.

Omnimon – Old toy. Note his epicness in idea but crappyiness in toy.
Seriously, combining the two most powerful digimon, Wargreymon and Metal Garurumon….making a digimon with an awesome gun AND and awesome sword…and a cape! I can’t wait til the D-Arts version of this comes out.

My Digimon toys…I don’t have many, I’m a sucker for quality, not quantity (in this case).

I can’t wait for the D-Arts Metal Garurumon either.

If they do well, maybe I’ll see an Angemon, Angewoman, and a Magna Angemon. The rest of the digimon are whatevs!

/fun to pull out my lightbox and do some shots….tho it looks like my camera is busted :'( it won’t focus upon zoom-in :(

Ferrari Wireless GT Cockpit 430 Scuderia Edition

Wednesday, December 15th, 2010 at 12:24 am

I had been meaning to buy a wheel for GT5 since purchasing the game. It was annoying at how you could only TURN or NOT TURN with a controller depending on if you pressed the D-PAD or not. Same with the acceleration, you could only do FOOT DOWN or FOOT OFF, there was a tough in between.

I also wanted
a) a wheel with pedals
b) a wheel you didn’t have to attach to a desk…

So, a friend sent me a link to a Dell Deal. $299 regular minus $100 = $199 Price

I did about 30 minutes of research (okay, let’s be honest – 10 minutes of quick skimming on the internet). Based on a) and b) above, my options were limited. I looked at the review: all pretty good.

So I bought it. With HST on $199.99, the total price was $225.99.

I purchased it on Saturday, December 10th at about 12:04am. Here are the details regarding the shipping:

2010-12-13 07:52:00 PM Picked up by Purolator via TORONTO SORT CTR/CTR TRIE, ON depot
2010-12-13 07:53:00 PM Left via TORONTO SORT CTR/CTR TRIE, ON depot
2010-12-14 07:19:00 AM On vehicle for delivery via TORONTO (DWNTWN/CTR VILLE),ON depot
2010-12-14 10:57:00 AM Delivered to ————— at —————- via TORONTO (DWNTWN/CTR VILLE),ON depot

So basically, it was picked up YESTERDAY at 7:52 PM and arrived TODAY at 10:57 AM. It took less than 4 days to get the thing since I ordered it. Super fast.

Also, the shipping & handling was FREE

Which is awesome because…

Weighing in at 33 pounds O_O – my box (for the wheel). As I was unpacking it, I was wondering “why the heck did they make it so heavy?” until I realized…they purposely made it heavy. Because you’re going to be holding the wheel, jerking it around…and you don’t want the whole thing to move.

Partially unpacked. By the way, in the top left is the Toy Story Blu-Ray Trilogy collector’s edition. What you’re seeing is a Wagon/Toy Chest, the same one Andy uses throughout all 3 movies :) Pretty awesome.

Just a video of me playing GT5 with the wheel.
Yes, I’m aware I’m playing on Automatic
Yes, I’m aware that sometimes I’m driving okay but I did screw up
Yes, that’s Initial D Stage 4 Episode 6 (Takumi VS the Pro Driver)
Yes, that’s a SNES, Wii, VCR, Wii Fit
Wow, as I re-watched this video, I couldn’t take my eyes of Initial D :P that episode is awesome!!

Some close ups of the wheel…not very exciting.
That pink bear is so not mine. Just sayin’

My 2 new babies

Folded Up

Transformers – Improving spatial reasoning and PEWPEWing at the same time.

Saturday, December 4th, 2010 at 3:33 am

“On average, men are better at spatial reasoning than women, and women seem to be better at verbal reasoning” – taken from some site.

I believe this is why I can transform any Transformer sans instruction manual but can’t answer the simplest anagrams or wheel of fortune puzzles. This is also why Z can do those things I can’t do but also why she would sooner break a Transformer (even the children’s ones) than properly transform it.

my car
My car. Yeah, that’s an Autobot Insignia on the hood. You wouldn’t believe the looks I get from women as I drive by.
When I look in their eyes, I can read their mind: “that guy is never getting laid…ever”.

View larger Transformers image

These are all the Transformers G1 Reissue series. I think I have every single American one.
It kind of sucks because Takara (the Japanese company that makes this – think Hasbro Japan -) has ALL of these American ones AND more such as Megatron, Blitzwing, Kup & Wheelie…..uhh, and more. AND all the pieces are the correct size. The missiles in the American versions are longer than they should be because the smaller ones are choking hazards.

The price ranges quite a bit..
Astrotrain was 63
Perceptor and the Insections were 72 each
Blaster was 50
Power Master Optimus Prime was 110 I think
Optimus and Ultra Magnus were probably around 50
And the rest around 30?

Total: Over $1000….but this is over almost a decade so whatever.

View larger Beast Wars image

View larger Beast Wars image

I loved these Beast Wars Transmetal toys. I purchased most of the direct cartoon counterparts…All the ones in the pics here were in the CG show, Beast Wars. It was pretty awesome because not only was the series in CG, it also had coherent story arcs, well developed characters (some), gut wrenching tearful moments (well, one….), and most importantly – the transformers, though beast-like, actually had toys that looked exactly like their CG counterparts, both in Beast mode and in Robot mode. That’s a Transformers win if I ever knew one. All the transformers here are accurate to the show except that Dinobot II should be the size of Rampage. Cheetor III should be slightly bigger. And Tigerhawk shouldn’t look so sh!tty (but I forgive him, he was only in like, 3 episodes…before dying a stupid death).

More Transformers to come…once I get my damn Predaking in the mail. That is the mother of all combining Transformers.

Just got a Mario Shirt…

Tuesday, October 26th, 2010 at 11:29 pm

…so I decided to do this.

All of my mario/nintendo mints…
Wait, the Yoshi is a toy…. tells me there’s a star mint and a blue mushroom i’m missing….and a wii controller…