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Warren Shea

Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

Origami Roses

Sunday, May 9th, 2010 at 10:59 pm

One of my best…and possibly only (yeah, I’m terribad) gifts to my mother for Mother’s day was a bunch of origami roses attached to pipe cleaners.

Note: this is my attempt at a telephoto lens. Basically I just blurred the area around the focus.

It was a really girly gift…but my mom loved it so meh. I must have given it to her almost a decade ago (I learned origami roses in 2nd year uni). I wanted to take some pictures of it for this post but things didn’t work out well so all you get is this rose from my “origami rose” stock…

The origami rose was the most complicated origami thing I ever made…I remember having speed contests with the girl that taught it to me…I think I came in around 3 minutes, she was around 1 or something impossible >_< Anyways…Happy Mother’s Day!

I don’t like going outside….

Monday, April 12th, 2010 at 7:45 pm

5 days a week, I brush my teeth, shower, get dressed, do my hair, put in my contacts and I leave for work. The whole process takes at least 30 minutes. Usually it takes much longer, I check my email, check twitter, check the weather, check my blog, do a few minutes of casual surfing…and just chill for a bit.

I go outside…because I have to go outside, to go to work.

On my weekends, I rarely want to go out. Almost never. The weekend is MY time. And by personal choice, I don’t like to leave my condo.

There are only a few reasons that will make me go out:
1) My high school friends are getting together for whatever.
2) I haven’t gone out with Zena so many nights/weekends that I start to feel guilty about it, then go out with her. This temporarily solves my problems and guilt….

Yes. Those are only reasons I would go out by choice. If I ever have to run errands, I do so after work. Grocery shopping? After work. If I have to go somewhere after work by driving, I go straight to the car. As soon as I set foot in my condo, I don’t want to leave. There are so many times when I go home and plan to go back out…but I don’t. Once I’m at home, I don’t want to leave.

I had some vacation days recently and I didn’t leave my condo for over 72 hours. And I was fine with that.

I get ready for work 5 days of the week. For me, it’s like going out. I do everything the same. It’s such a pain in the ass…hair takes me the most amount of time, 5-10 minutes…10-15 if it doesn’t come out right. It’s such a pain to do it that I hate doing it when I don’t have to. But…I won’t go out if it’s not done…my hair is at a length that if I don’t do it, it’s not presentable enough (again, I’m pretty vain when it comes to my hair). What’s the point of getting ready to go out…only to come back an hour or 2 later….BAH. And I know the answer… “uhhh…to go out?! to do something” but….for me, there’s nothing out there that interests me. I don’t like seeing this or going to that. Just like traveling, I just don’t care.

I like to spend my time playing my games, developing, or watching my shows. I like being entertained with a good story, something the emotionally touches me or something that makes me think. The only thing that’s out there that I want to be a part of is hanging out with my high school friends. When we get together, I laugh like I’ve never laughed before. Everybody’s got their circle of friends and I love mine. The nights when I have the most fun I’ve ever had are with my high school friends.

I know that not wanting to leave my home is odd, antisocial, etc. It’s not that I can’t do it, it’s that I don’t like to. Work time is work time, I get paid for it, I better be there. But the weekend is my time and I’ll use it how I want to use it, fuck everything and everyone else. I do whatever the hell I want to do…and when I’m not doing the things I want to spend my time with, I’m not happy.

It’s the same reason why I hate going out to dinners/get togethers with family. It’s invading my personal time…I see people that I’m not particularly close with by choice. We make small talk and it’s an okay time. But I wouldn’t call it fun, there’s nothing that I really enjoy or want from the gatherings. I don’t go out of my way to see my family…unless my nephew and niece are there because I want to see/play with them. I’ve always been pretty independent. I don’t initiate a call or email my family ever. I don’t initiate an MSN conversation with anyone except Zena. I can be by myself for days and days and be okay with it. I enjoy it.

I never thought about this until just now, as I write this, but a lot of this might be attributed to social anxiety disorder….

Ahhhh…seriously, I’m not socially stunted or a social retard. I’m fine at work, I’m fine with strangers…I’m friendly and people are generally and easily comfortable around me (as I’ve been told a number of times). My aura is generally friendly, laid back…

I dunno, this post is kinda all over the place…jumping around. Just rambling off the top of my head…..

I’m at the point in my life where I don’t care about meeting new people or staying in contact with people. I’ve got my high school friends and they’ll be around forever (given that it’s been 10 years since high school and the core of us are still pretty tight). I’ve got Zena and she’ll be around as long as I live (because I’m gonna die before her…fo sho). I’m socially content with what I have now. And for me, going outside is all about the people out there, not the sights and sounds. There’s nothing outside that interests me other than the people and no people that I want to meet. I’m content being at home. Having my current friends. My girlfriend. I’m content with life. I don’t want anything else and I’m not looking for anything else.

“I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do”

Thursday, March 18th, 2010 at 1:01 am

Savage Garden – Affirmation <-- song, click to play

I just felt those words resonate with me. I’m watching this House episode where this over protective mother won’t let the doctors treat her son because she’s a stubborn, tough old broad. I started to think about how (loving) parents…don’t always do what’s best. Because they love, because they care, they can be irrational. Their judgment can be flawed because they’re too emotionally invested. But…they still do what they believe is best for their children.

Parents don’t get the credit they deserve from any of you (yes, I’m talking to -you-). I’m guilty as well. I’m short with my parents (or maybe I’m short BECAUSE of my parents – ba dum dum ching!), I lose my temper easily. I don’t talk to them often. They don’t call anymore because when they did, I’d be “too busy” to talk to them…but I’d just be lying cuz I’d be in the middle of some show and it was more important. I don’t call them because I’m independent, I don’t call them just like I don’t really call anyone. I blocked them on MSN because I used to write profanity in my MSN status and I didn’t want them knowing their son swore…I always turned profanity off around them. Like those words didn’t exist.

Wow, I sound like such an awful son don’t I? Which…might just be the truth.

Anyways, I guess I could unblock them now, my MSN status remains unchanged…but then they might come across my blog. I’ve made a number of references towards them…never anything bad but…would I be embarrassed if they read this blog? If they found out some of the frakked up things about me? Maybe….Even this post might shatter how they see me.

I’m getting a bit side-tracked…I want to get back to my original point of this post.

I said something today in front of my co-workers…
“Stupid people should not have children”. I believe I incorrectly used the word “stupid”…but the message I wanted to convey is that…while it’s everyone’s right to have children, I personally don’t think it’s always a good idea.

Regarding abortion, I’m very much pro-choice. I don’t believe children should be born into this world if their parents aren’t ready to have them. Or if the child was the result of one stupid, drunken night. Or if the child was born into a family with not enough financial support. I’m going to be honest – regarding any life, I don’t think love is enough. A child should be raised with responsible, reasonably intelligent parents.

I want to clear this up before I go further: I’m not going to go into the ethics of abortion and how it’s ending a life and every life is precious. Going back to what I said in previous blog posts, I don’t believe life is precious. Life can be created quite easily. It just takes some alcohol and poor judgment, something the human race has an abundance of. That’s a tad cynical but the point is that I don’t see life itself as precious. But that’s just me. Create it. End it. We might as well be Gods in our own way.

Again, I’m getting side tracked. To continue what I was saying before…

A child should be raised with responsible, reasonably intelligent parents. They should have money to support the child and family. They should be mature, they should be loving, they should be this, they should be that. As children, we probably saw our parents as Gods. Seriously, they were the higher power. They fed us, they bathed us, controlled us, disciplined us, they were the shining example of what we should be. That is…until we got a little older and realized how flawed they are. How…similar they are to just about every other person you’ve ever met. How they have strengths. How they have weaknesses. How they weren’t Gods. They are just….human….like everyone else. But they saw themselves as Gods, molding life in their image. Trying to create the best possible offspring. They might have succeeded. They might have failed. But they did the best job they knew how to do.

And on that note, you should call your parents. Just to say hi. Because…they’ll love it. And it’s so easy for you. Now, you might do that. You might not. And despite all I’ve written, I probably won’t. Because the important things get left unsaid. And I’ve always been a terribad son. And I’ll probably, despite my best efforts, be a terribad father. Actually, I don’t believe that at all.

This post…is probably the most accurate post of how my mind works and how I think about things. When I walk to work, I start thinking of something, but it snowballs into this and that, leading to whatever topic tickles my interest. This might be one of my most all over the place posts…and that’s how I think. Up here *points to head*, I’m a mess. But you already know that :)

My dad vacuumed up one of my hamsters!

Saturday, February 6th, 2010 at 8:21 pm

Note: it wasn’t through the…spinning bottom part of the vacuum, it was with the tube part…and the hamster, though badly injured, survived and lived a somewhat full life.

This actually happened a while ago, before my current hamsters. Still, I couldn’t believe my father had done that. Obviously it was an accident, my father loves my hamsters as much as me. He had so much guilt when he told me, I was shocked, angry, and disappointed, but I didn’t let it show. He felt bad enough already.

But…you know that voice in your head that says “nothing good can come of this”…where was that voice?! was the voice saying “what does hamsters + vacuum = ?”

I guess sh!t happens beyond my understanding…

It makes me question how I was raised though…I turned out okay minus the social anxiety problems, the mild OCD, the mild ADD, the paranoia, and the self-consciousness….right? hmmm….wait a sec…

I will train my kids to play videogames

Thursday, February 4th, 2010 at 6:31 pm

I brought this up before but I wanted to clarify that I’m completely serious. I hated Chinese school and piano lessons as a child partly because I was forced into it and partly because it was boring. I eventually traded piano for math school (Kumon), something I had to convince my parents to do. I guess they figured either would be good but I believe that because I CHOSE math school, I enjoyed it much more.

For my kids, I’d probably give them the option of playing video game x, y or z. Let them decide what they want to do, so they don’t hate it for being forced.

I figure that on night A, they should get the option to play Tetris, Kirby’s Avalanche, Tetris Attack, or Super Puzzle Fighter. All 4 are basically the same premise: get specific arrangements with color/shaped blocks to survive.
I think these types of games help with quick thinking, quick decision making, short term planning, short term memory, and finally reaction time – all of which are good skills to develop.

Night B would be some other games. Super Mario Kart to teach them how to drive. Super Street Fighter to teach them how to fight. Contra III: Alien Wars to teach them how to survive alien wars. Okay, THIS whole paragraph was a joke…(but the rest of the post thus far had been serious).

I would play my kids and destroy them until they eventually surpassed me. Much like Samurai Nanjirou trained Echizen Ryoma (Prince of Tennis) or Fujiwara Bunta trained Takumi (Initial D) or Sai trained Hikaru (Hikaru no Go).

I think we’re all thinking 1 of 2 things here:
1. Warren, this is the most ridiculous post ever. I can’t believe you’re serious. I have lost all respect for you.
2. Warren, your kids are going to hate you.

I’m prepared for both.

See below for my game analysis: