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Warren Shea

Phoebe and the Magic Almond

Wednesday, January 5th, 2011 at 1:29 am

I’m trying to study and I hear “klak klak klak”. I ignore it. Minutes later, more “Klak klak klak klak”. It seems weird, the noise seems to be at random times, for random amounts of time, no pattern. This occurs for about 6 minutes. Finally, unable to concentrate, I go over to the hamster cage. I roll their wheels. Silence. I move the plastics away from the wheels. I sit back down. “Klak klak klak”. WTF is that noise?

I go study the cage and hamsters, to see what they’re doing and I see Phoebe running with a giant almond in her mouth. Running in the wheel. Apparently she’d been doing this for 10 minutes, carrying this almond around in her mouth. I watch as she runs with it and the almond slowly falls out of her mouth as she runs. It falls, trips her up, and she goes tumbling. This happened for a few minutes before I finally decided to take a video of the hilarity. Unfortunately, in the video, she only tumbles around a couple of times. Still, it was pretty funny….

Sadly, we had to separate the hamsters. Phoebe was picking on Monica first, and then Rachel. But when she scuffled with Rachel, there was blood :( Bite marks and blood on Rachel…so we had to separate them. We put Monica and Rachel inside a cage (*giggle* living together, just like in the show!) and Phoebe, Chandler, and Joey in one cage. Occasionally, we throw Chandler in Monica and Rachel’s cage for a threesome. Chandler is very friendly and gets along with everyone…we don’t want to move Joey as she’s partially blind so we don’t want to mess with her familiar surroundings.

It really sucks that we have been forced to separate the 5 hamsters, it’s all Phoebe’s fault :( The nicest hamster I’ve possibly ever had also turns out to be one of the meanest to the other hammies :( Bite marks and blood on Rachel but Phoebe has never bitten me once EVER. Even Chandler’s nibbled at me. Very sad….like your kid turned out to be retarded. Or evil. :S

It’s easily predictable. Phoebe has red eyes. Like the devil! She’s also pure white, the perfect disguise. But I know Phoebe’s really good, we just happened to pick up Phoebe’s twin sister, Ursula. What are the chances!? They’re twins!?

One Response to “Phoebe and the Magic Almond”

  1. Jamie Maing says:

    Sarah and I used to have a white hamster (Skittles) that was like Phoebe. Very energetic, weird, but friendly with people. Sorry to hear she’s not getting along with the others. This video was hilarious though – to see her trip up like that, haha!!

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