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Warren Shea

Sad, small, life updates

Thursday, March 1st, 2012 at 12:46 am

I’m still playing Tiny Tower. A lot.

At work, I’ve also re-started doing Sudokus. There’s this really fast girl at work, I want to improve and get closer in speed and skill. I’m so stupidly competitive.

We’ve been playing a card game at work called BANG! The object of the game is to bang people. Bang this girl. Bang that girl. Or someone bangs me. Okay, it’s not what it sounds like. It’s a western, with a sheriff, deputy, outlaw, and renegade. BANG means to shoot them. You do say in the game “I want to bang person x“. It makes it pretty funny. Anyways, it’s a fun game, we’re playing it every lunch lately :D

I spent last night putting some ASP.NET onto my portfolio site. Ran into some problems, need to ask someone tomorrow.

This weekend is super busy for me. I’ve been working on a project to migrate one site to another server/hardware for the last year+. Since at least January 2011 last year. It was supposed to launch in Oct 31 originally…but got delayed and is now launching Feb 29ish, 4 months later. I have to work 9pm-3am Friday and 8am-3pm Saturday. Don’t they let people sleep anymore? Bonus is that I’ll get OT for it and while I’ll be busy, I predict much of that time will be sitting around playing Tiny Tower, and taking small naps whenever I need. Well, hopefully.

I know I haven’t blogged much this month. It’s honestly not my priority lately…while I have things to say, life is generally going fairly well lately. I’m not hating or deep thinking like usual. Just kinda…existing. Man, that sounds sad. I can’t wait to go back to hating life again. Things are more interesting that way.

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