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Archive for the ‘Love’ Category

…in one year…

Friday, January 7th, 2011 at 11:59 pm

Today is a special day for me.

This day represents a number of things making it one of the most important days of my life. Today marks the one year anniversary of the day I quit WoW and began a new life…

You might be thinking “So you quit playing a game, that’s not a big deal…”. You’ve got some nerve…
Quitting WoW was a big deal, not because I was quitting a game, but because of the amount of time I spent playing this game and the adverse affect playing it had on my life and mental growth.

What my life was like before January 7, 2010

I had 400 days of playtime between March 2005 and January 2010. That’s 400 days of playtime within 57 months ( = 4.75 years = 1734~ days ).
At 400 days of playtime in 1734 days, that’s an average of 0.23 = 23% of the day = 331.2 minutes = 5.5 hours/day…everyday…for 4.75 years.
It was another huge aspect of my life, more or less equal to that of my professional life.

In the years after school, during work, my week of 168 hours (24×7) was split up into:

  • 45 hours of work a week (including commute time)
  • 56 hours of sleep a week (at an average of 8 hours/day)
  • 50 hours of WoW a week
  • 17 hours for everything else – going out, hygiene tasks, laundry, playing other non-WoW games, drawing, coding….

Despite the game taking so much of my life, I was able to:

  • Maintain my girlfriend for 6 years
  • Excel in my professional career

The items that were strained were:

  • Time with friends (and family)

And the things that were sacrificed were:

  • School

This was literally my schedule the weeks before I quit WoW – it’s absurd to the point that it seems like a joke, but it’s not. I played WoW every moment I could while I was awake and not at work or sleeping. While this isn’t completely accurate as I’d occasionally go out, watch a movie, go out to eat/eat, etc…this was always my weekly plan.
WoW schedule

After January 7, 2010
This was my schedule after I quit WoW. Look at all that time. My life, no longer surrounded by WoW.
WoW schedule

So with my new found free time, I began a number of tasks making this year possibly the most productive year I’ve had in my life. I accomplished so much this year, relative to the years I’d wasted playing WoW.

What I’ve done in the last year
I finally got off my ass and created a personal site, something I had intended to do for years. I’m quite happy with it, I was able to integrate WordPress into my code. I was able to move 3 months worth of posts from Blogger to WordPress.
I created 4 different themes which are fairly different visually…though the layout is fundamentally the same, something I hope to change with future themes.

300 posts since my first one, on Jan 26, 2010.
300 posts in 12 months is, on average, roughly 25.25 posts/month. That…is a lot of posts.

1486 tweets (tho this seems to be incorrect – damn you twitter!) since Jan 18, 2010.
Not that the number of tweets is an accomplishment, it’s more the fact that I didn’t stop using it like I do so many other things.

Improved development skills
Learned general PHP. Went from comfort level 0 to comfort level 8, my skill is probably still around 6-7 though…
Improved ASP.NET C# 3.5. Despite all my studying and development this year, I’d still only give myself a 3 in terms of knowledge. Maybe a 1-2 before this year. I hope to bump that up…
Improved XHTML 1.0 and CSS 2.0 skills
Improved jQuery, Web Accessibility knowledge

Actually read some novels, a format of media I haven’t touched in years. Completed 4~ novels in the last few months. While I’m generally always reading (Comics, Graphic Novels, Manga), novels have always been something I’ve generally avoided. Too many words. Not enough pictures :) It is an accomplishment for someone like me, to have read 4~ novels among the other things I do/read.

This area has been relatively quiet. Nothing worth of note, no long games I would claim as achievements for completion.

This area has also been pretty quiet this year. While drawing is/has always been a hobby of mine, my skill has never been good enough to make it anything more than a hobby, which is why it’s something I’ll only do when I feel like it, I have no desire to improve my skills here.

What I hope to accomplish this year
Do I have anything left other than some themes? In a perfect world, I’d like to maintain 2 sites for myself. as a professional/resume type site as a personal site, with blog posts, etc. kind of like what I have now but without the projects and resume section. A fully personal site.

I would still like to do a few themes, a professional one, maybe another “theme” one like Megaman/Naruto….but of what? Prince of Tennis, Death Note, Hikaru no Go come to mind…
I would like to scrap it all and re-build it now my CSS and HTML skills are much higher than they were a year ago. I would use SASS rather than CSS. I would use HTML5 rather than XHTML 1.0. I would organize my <h#> tags better, since WordPress uses <H2>, I would use…other ones. I would get rid of my general hate of <p> tags and use them over my <br /> tags…

I’ve blogged too much last year. Ever since I got sick with the flu, I feel like I’ve been less inclined to blog.
If I’m the type of person to always be addicted to something, blogging would definitely be the World of Warcraft replacement of this year. Considering how much time I blog/write, while it’s significantly less than WoW, it’s the thing I’ve consistently spent the most time on this year. My WordPress is open 80% of the time I’m at my comp and I have so have drafts I haven’t posted…topics that seem relevant at the time and that I enjoy writing but don’t enjoy proof reading.

For blogging this year, I hope it becomes secondary to studying web development, which I’m going to try to make my new addiction (if it were at all possible to force an addiction…). I definitely know I will be blogging less this year. If there were 300 posts last year, I hope to keep it around 150-200 posts this year…and that’s fine with me. I’ve blogged my brains out, it’s time to move on and do something else.

Reading, Gaming, Art
These are no longer goals (except Zelda: Ocarina of Time…and maybe another RPG). I’m done trying to do these things if they interfere with…

Improving development skills
My goals this year is to improve in ASP.NET C#, CSS3. and HTML5. Of the things I want to learn and become proficient in, it’s definitely these 3 items, with a significance on ASP.NET C#. While this has been my goal every year for a few years, I expect this year to be the year that I catch up to the development world. Last year was getting over WoW, it was setting up and learning PHP, and improving my skills all around. This year is all about going from a 3 in knowledge to an 8 in ASP.NET C#. CSS3 and HTML5 take a back seat to that but are still things I’d like to learn over the next year.

The skill increase leads to…

Epic Site
This is the year that I’m going to do it. I’m going to try to spend time learning ASP.NET C# (again), and really focus on getting this up and running.

How I’ve changed professionally this last year

There have been a couple ups but a lot of downs in my professional life this year, more so than any other year in my life. It has been extremely difficult year.

Roughly 1/4 into the year, my team had a (figurative) bomb dropped on us one Thursday making the next day, Friday, the worst day of work I had ever experienced and ever hope to experience. Personal morale was so low, I didn’t even know this job could affect me that much. Thinking about that day and the reasons why it occurred…it honestly makes me sick to my stomach. It may have even been the worst day of my life this year (in terms of how I felt emotionally)…though that day has some competition………

Roughly half way into the year, I had another professionally crushing moment leaving me depressed for months. While it’s been almost 1/2 a year since it occurred, I know I haven’t recovered from this. There’s still a bitter taste in my mouth that I don’t think I’ll ever get rid of as it’s something I have to face every single day of work.

As this year ends, I wonder if I can take another year like this one. As my ambition increased, so did my disappointment. As I start to care more about my job and career, the more I start to dislike it. It was much easier coming in to work every morning, doing task A, B, and C, and leaving know I’d accomplished A, B, and C. It seems like these days are: doing task A, going to meeting B, going to meeting C, doing task A, meeting D, leaving task A for tomorrow. Like I’m not doing anything. Nothing of personal value/pride/gain. I think I work best doing small tasks quickly and well. Quantity is an important aspect of my professional life. Without frequent moments of pride, I can’t help but feel…unmotivated and aimless. I hate long projects that last more than a couple weeks and that’s honestly all I have I right now.

To be honest, I don’t think I’d dislike what I’m doing now if not for what happened earlier this year. If I’ve changed at all this year regarding my outlook on my professional career, it is that I’m less naive. But I’m also very bitter. I’ve been burned so many times this year…it’s harder and harder to keep my work smile.

How I hope to change professionally this year

There’s a certain groove I used to have when I worked. I didn’t care about anything political, I did a good job on what I worked on, woke up every morning ready to tackle my projects, and left every day knowing I’d accomplished and learned enough that I wouldn’t carry the thought of work with me. I’ve lost that this year but I want to recapture it, somehow. I don’t quite know how yet…but I want to make work fun again. It hasn’t been for a while…not like it used to be.

How I’ve changed in my mindset of relationships and love this last year.

This year was a big year for me. I was able to finally answer a life-long question/riddle/dilemma that had plagued me for years. There had been something I’d been wondering, if the path I’d been on had been correct or not. It was always a nagging thought in the back of my mind but I’ve finally put it to rest. I can’t stress how important it is to answer a riddle that only you can answer and have no means of figuring out other than….you just realize it. It’s so…settling. I feel so relieved :)

…in one year…

How much will change by Jan 7, 2012?
What will I accomplish?
How will my life have changed?
What will I have figured out?

We’ll see….in one year…

The Mixed Tape

Saturday, November 6th, 2010 at 12:39 am

Jack’s Mannequin – The Mixed Tape

Where are you now?
As I’m swimming through the stereo
I’m writing you a symphony of sound
Where are you now?
As I rearrange the songs again
This mix could burn a hole in anyone
But it was you I was thinking of

I don’t know, something about this song and it’s discussion of a making a mixed tape has reminded me of various songs which I associate with people I’ve liked or have liked me (or both). And I’m wondering “Where are you now?”. I have no idea where the majority of them are or what they’re doing. There are few I keep in touch with, some I have as friends on Facebook but don’t talk to ever…and it’s odd because again, spending/talking to someone, enough that there’s a one-way or two-sided attraction….and then down the road, there’s nothing except a memory. I mean, people change but at some point, there’s a moment in both these people where a romantic relationship exists. Is it that difficult to have and maintain a lifelong romantic relationship with someone? Some people find that connection early, some people find it later, and some never find it at all. But at some point, I hope everyone in their life experiences that potential for a lifelong romantic relationship. The feeling of liking someone and having that feeling reciprocated…is awesome.

Wow, I just started randomly listening to another song…which happens to relate specifically to what I’m writing about….well, the start of the song:

Backstreet Boys – I Still…

Who are you now?
Are you still the same
Or did you change somehow?
What do you do?
At this very moment
When I think of you
And when I’m looking back
How we were young and stupid
Do you remember that?

/remembering the past…and smiling at how young and stupid i used to be…

Review – Scott Pilgrim (graphic novel) & The Women in Scott Pilgrim

Wednesday, August 18th, 2010 at 1:37 am

***SPOILER ALERT FURTHER DOWN…You’ve been warned***

I’ve read the 6 Scott Pilgrim graphic novels completely twice now, in order, panel by panel, and skimmed through individual volumes quite a bit lately. I’ve only owned them for maybe 2 or 3 weeks now…

I’ve found the world of Scott Pilgrim to be hilarious and entertaining, I love the references to a number (at least 5) of Toronto places that are actually within a 15 minute walk from where I live. It’s awesome. I played the PS3 8-bit Scott Pilgrim game for 2 nights, beat it on all 4 characters and got them $9999.99 each. I’ve yet to see the movie, waiting for Z to read the volumes before we see it….but I may have to see it despite her lack of motivation to be a perfectionist and witness the universe in the chronological order that the products were released. Yeah….I’m the odd one, I know.

Anyways, the 6 volumes are a masterpiece. There are some parts where I’m totally like Scott Pilgrim.

and other parts where I’m intrigued about his character. He’s mysterious, as are many of the characters in the graphic novel. I find him innocent and charming (in his way), trying to forget the bad decisions he’s made the the bad parts of the person he is. Trying to do right despite being a bit of an idiot, trying to be good and change for Ramona. It’s really a “coming of age” story for Scott Pilgrim when you get past all the sillyness, video games, and hilarious absurdities.

I remember reading this (below) in Volume 1 in literally LOLing. I mean, I say “lol” a lot but I’d say that I rarely do it when I’m alone..but this…this is when I knew this Scott Pilgrim thing was just for someone like me:

Again. Sooo me. Even the way he speaks…

What I find somewhat perplexing is the love of all these women in his world. Despite being a bit of a goof, he’s got the adoration of Knives Chau, the long time infatuation of Lisa Miller, a previous relationship with Kim Pine, a previous relationship with Envy Adams, and a relationship with Ramona Flowers. Maybe he’s just really handsome/cute looking “in real life” though not artistically captured in the graphic volume…which I realize is an absurd statement in itself because…you know, everything’s fictional and (until the movie), everything existed in the graphic novel.

I can understand why the girls all like him:
Scott Pilgrim shows Knives a world she’s not accustomed too, much like the Aladdin-Jasmine relationship from Disney’s Aladdin (1992). Man I’m such a girl. Anyways, Knives is just…intrigued by the crazy world Scott’s from and wants to experience this whole new world with him. Again, I’m such a girl.

Lisa Miller is best friends with Scott only to have him fall for another girl, Kim Pine. He’s completely unaware of these deep feelings she has and he never really realizes what he means to her. Years later, Lisa’s probably thinking how Scott was “the one that got away”….well, not quite, it’s high school. But I can understand her wish to have an unrequited love return her feelings, even after so many years.

Kim Pine obviously had/has a connection with Scott when they were young but probably became a bit bitter and angry regarding how her relationship with Scott ended. Again, it’s Scott being an idiot…selfish and a child…but he was young. And stupid. Honestly, I didn’t care for her character much until her departure in chapter 5 as well as her support in chapter 6. Of all the characters…well, women…in the series, I like her the best. Realistic and grounded, sarcastic, brutally honest, intelligent….she looks like she hates the world but I can see a very warm character in her, albeit a bit bitter given some of her life experiences. Wait a sec…I just realized (after proof-reading) that I described liking her for reasons and characteristics that describe me! That must be a form of…self incest or something…Maybe I like her because I see similarities…I’ll have to give this character more thought…

Envy Adam. He might be the only one that really knew the original her. The Natalie V. in her and not the public Envy that the world knows. Well, he should know her…it seems his memory is, as always, a bit of a failing of his. His interpretation of events clearly bias themselves towards his benefit. She’s still attracted to him because he’s the ground in her high flying world.

Ramona Flowers. She’s obviously had some bad experiences with boys in the past, they’ve treated her poorly though she’s treated them equally as bad. Cheated on some of them, left them for other guys that “walk by”. She’s looking for someone who will stick with her mess of a life, someone who won’t hurt her, a nice guy. She’s a bit annoyed when she finds out Scott cheated on her…or…specifically on Knives for her. She expected better and that’s why she’s with him. And that’s why they stay together…because by the end of the volumes, Scott’s more mature and still genuinely a nice guy…

Now, why he likes them. Or why he should. Or shouldn’t.
Knives. Shouldn’t. Rebound girlfriend. Not real…Scott’s an idiot here.
Lisa Miller. Should. His teenage best friend. She’s totally in love with him, he’s just too stupid to realize it. There probably should have been something there. Or specifically, there should be (kudos to you if you got that).
Envy Adams. Should. She’s hot now. Shouldn’t. But a celebrity…don’t do it Scott, it’s a trap! Too much hassle.
Ramona Flowers. Should…NOT. She’s mysterious…I liked her a lot too but the more you read, the more high maintenance she becomes, the more baggage she has, and the better…
Kim Pine turns out to be. Scott SHOULD be with Kim Pine. That’s the girl I’d choose. <3 Honestly, I'm bit more intrigued by the personalities of the girls, their point of view, personalities and character. Well Scott's fun and similar to me, I'm afraid he's simply a bit too unrealistic as a human to empathize with. The girls are different though, they're realistic, well developed, they each have their own spot light and defining moments. I love Scott Pilgrim's precious little life (kudos to you if you got that too). I’m envious for all the amazing women in his life that love his stupid ass. He’s a socially retarded, socially stunted, immature, forgetful, selfish, boy. But he’s genuinely nice (or, he tries to be), he’s childish, innocent, believes smoking is evil, doesn’t drink (or claims not to). There are similarities as well as differences with his character and my own. I find it easy to be placed in his shoes and make the decisions he’s made but difficult to understand them. It’s…confusing. Identifiable but not identifiable at the same time.

What can I say about this graphic novel…it’s like a video game-highschool-Dawson’s Creek/One Tree Hill/Gilmore Girls/The O.C./<insert other highschool show I’ve watched and enjoyed>

I’m a sucker for love stories. I love realistic ones. Well, realistic characters. I enjoy empathizing with them. Being sucked in their world and watching/analyzing their decisions. Characters like these are as believable as any real person to me if I can understand their feelings. The moment I can’t understand them or their decisions, I dislike them. They aren’t realistic. And that’s when I stop being interested. Note: It’s okay to disagree with their decisions, as long as they’re made somewhat rationally. When a relationship simply does not make any sense <insert random O.C. relationship>, and I can’t even understand it, much less agree with it, that’s when I stop watching/reading.

/wrote so much on Scott Pilgrim….I really really hearted this book (kudos to you if you got that too). I think it changed the way I wrote the last two posts. I felt passion again, after so long and wrote a post worthy of my site.

The Moment

Sunday, April 18th, 2010 at 12:27 am

I was out all day with my high school friends…spent all of dinner talking about work, relationships and weddings. I realize the significant shift in conversation these last few years, it’s no longer about a show or some music or…drama with people you aren’t that close with. It’s all very…mature. And I love it. I’ve never been one to talk about trending topics, I live in my own little world compared to my friends. Sure, some people watch anime, some read comic books, some people do computer stuff, some people play video games….but no one does all of them out of my friends. Except me. They all have more in common with each other than I have with any one of them….that’s how it is. I’m the odd one out. It’s kinda funny because Zena’s friends are more like me than my close and best friends. I would probably have gotten closer to them if I didn’t already love my current circle. Having too many friends…and going out frequently….is too exhausting for an anti-socialite such as myself. I was never looking for new friends either…despite the differences with my current friends, they are still the best friends I could ever ask for. All of them.

Anyways, I drove my soon-to-be-married friend home…and we talked about our respective relationships. We talked about both of our relationships as well as an already married couple…and how all 3 of us guys had this moment…not a specific amount of time, but this…moment in your life when you realize you’re with “the one”. I never really…thought about it, I always assumed I would be with Z and that’s the way things were gonna play out. But I never thought about this “the one” stuff. But these last few weeks…I realized it. My “moment” wasn’t a specific, sudden realization. I don’t know how long it took but I feel it now, I realize it now…when I didn’t feel it a few months ago. It’s not to say I didn’t love her before, it’s just saying I might not have realized her true significance to me. But things have changed. I’ve changed. I see it now that every person that gets married probably has this moment…

There’s still so much to learn about life and love. I’m feel so…superior sometimes…that I feel that I’ve matured faster than others…that I’ve thought about things my peers have never thought about…that I’ve used my thinking time more wisely, that I know it all and everyone else is playing catch up. I believe it comes with being an introvert and isolated. When left alone with my thoughts too long, my mind tends to wander and think about things I believe others have never considered. I feel like I’ve trained myself to think faster than others, to be quicker, to see five solutions to a problem in the same time others might only find one. But there are some things…you just can’t out think, no matter how much time you have. There are some things in life you have to experience…you can imagine them, but you can’t understand them. Like when Robin Williams talked to Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting. He analyzed Matt, telling him he could read, memorize, and quote about love…but he couldn’t understand, he couldn’t feel. And it was true.

I feel humbled…my friend, telling me, literally applauding me for discovering something he discovered years ago (which is why he’s getting married in 2 weeks, and I’m not). It’s not a race to discover this moment…in everyone’s case (er, of the 3 we discussed), it took some kind of meaningful event or person to make the realization. A catalyst to start the change. I have been going out with Zena almost 6 years and it just so happened I was at this point in my life that the catalyst took effect. But…it could have just as easily have happened sooner…or later. Maybe I was looking for it…actually…I kind of was…but I never foresaw this “moment”. I had to discover it on my own…realize it. Understand it. Feel it.

There is still so much to learn…I’m excited to experience more realizations like this. And excited to talk to my friends about them…I may feel superior to a lot of people in a lot of ways…but love is not one of them. I’m doing well but there’s still so much to catch up on. Another era in my life is just about to start. Specifically, on Wednesday. And I’m ready for it. I wasn’t 3 years ago. I wasn’t 4 months ago. But I’m ready now.

Blogging about blogging part 3 + Why I wear black + Love, compatibility, and complementation.

Thursday, April 8th, 2010 at 12:24 am

I’ve been reading someone’s blog lately, someone who posts about the same random stuff I post about, someone who posts more than me, and someone who, I didn’t know until I read the blog, is pretty similar to me.

Because of the sheer volume in posts, I skip over anything that isn’t particularly interesting to me. I imagine that’s what most/some of you do for my blog as well. Too many posts makes the content…trivial. If I were reading my own blog, I’d probably skip over the LOLs posts and read the interesting, well thought out ones, of which there are few. Though to be fair, some of you may like the LOLs and ignore the other posts…so I guess it’s okay to have the balance.

Despite taking a lot of time and sometimes a lot of effort to write posts, I realize that lately I’ve been trying to force others to read my blog in the same way those religious people try to make me believe about sh!t. Honestly speaking, I do sort of guilt others into reading my blog. Like a child, trying to get people to do things for the wrong reasons. I’m going to have to watch out for that, it’s not a good quality to have. My blog is important to me but my blog is not important to you. I have to make an effort to remember that.

Part 2:

I too often have high expectations of everyone and equally often, they let me down. But it’s not their fault, it’s mine. Everyone’s only human but I often put them on a pedestal…until they disappoint me enough that they fall off it. I can think of only a handful of people in my life that still remain on that pedestal but they’re not people I know that well, it’s probably that I just haven’t given them enough time and opportunity to disappoint me. I admire those who are truly…good people. There aren’t many out there…Zena’s godmother comes to mind when I think of a very loving, truly good person. But I don’t know her that well. It’s rare in the world we live in to find an untainted light. Being cruel, negative, selfish….that’s easy. Being genuinely good……that’s difficult…and rare.

Side Note…but possibly very interesting:
It might be why I like Itachi from Naruto…despite being a mass murderer…in my eyes, he’s a very good person (I guess you have to know the story to understand that sentence….). Even before Itachi’s origin is explained by Madara, I thought he might be a good person. There was something about him, some things that didn’t make sense….He was powerful but never really hurt anyone other than Sasuke, of whom he had reason to (in an ends justify the means sort of way). He also spoke very politely. I was really happy when his origin was revealed and I confirmed what I thought about him. It would be revealed that he was bad on the outside, good on the inside. It reflects me and the way I’d like to be, as well as the way I dress.
I wear dark/black on the outside, and light/white on the inside. When I’m walking around, alone, I really…try to look unfriendly, unapproachable, cold on the outside. I try to convey “eyes that have been out in the rain too long”. But as soon as I’m approached, I’m very friendly, very polite, very nice. I try to be as helpful as I can and I always have a smile on my face. Something about seemingly bad guys being good…just…relates to me.

Part 3 (this goes after the last paragraph, ignoring the blockquote):
It might be why I love being around Zena…her…light hearted attitude brightens the darkness inside me.

Until I met Zena, I always thought that I would end up with someone similar to me. Someone equally fracked up, someone who hates sh!t and people like I hate sh!t and people, someone who understands me. But…that would never work. Two jaded, cynical people would just….be jaded and cynical together. But that’s not happiness.

A lot of times, people try to find things in common with the person they’re infatuated with. They think: “We both like movies, we can watch movies together!” or “We both like rock climbing, we can go rock climbing together!”. Zena and I have talked about this a number of times but we have almost nothing in common.
She loves to cook. I hate to cook.
She wants to travel. I don’t want to travel.
She likes going out. I don’t like going out.
She’s happy, outgoing. I’m <insert negative trait here>, introverted.
She has facts about cooking, science, daily news. I have facts about comics, anime, math, technology.
and now, She plays WoW. I don’t play WoW.
Given our difference in lifestyle, I’m shocked and surprised we’ve lasted as long as we have. When you look at us and the type of people we are, we don’t work. There’s no connection. There’s no similarities. From an objective point of view, I would look at us and think we’d never last.

But when people see us together and the way we interact (and it’s not to brag, I’ve had a number of people tell me this)…we have this…very unique dynamic and people can see that we just…work.

All that stuff about the similarities we don’t have, the differences…none of that matters. And I may be wrong, I am by no means any type of relationship pro….but the key with us is that we complement each other well. I’m not sure what she loves about me but I love her BECAUSE she’s different from me. Because she makes me do stuff I wouldn’t generally do. I make her watch shows she wouldn’t watch on her own (Hikaru no Go, Initial D, and now: Battlestar Galactica). She makes me watch stuff I wouldn’t watch on my own (Gilmore Girls, the Sex and the City movie, Wicked – the musical, Julie and Julia). She brings me out to try new things. She teaches me about tons of information that I generally don’t know or care about. It’s a life-long process of complementation (and yeah, I’m as surprised and -_-; as you are that this non-existing word actually makes a sort of sense given what I’ve written). We’re fundamentally different people. And that’s why we work together. I always thought “Birds of the feather flock together” would work…it makes logical sense to me, and it’s what I’d always believed in. I’m quite surprised that this “Opposites attract” thing is working…

Note: Doh, Complementation IS a word…it involves genetics and…homerzygous simpsomething. I still like my use of it though…